Been tackling this job today.
Fogs are disconnected. Found out why at least the o/s was not working, rear cap was not connected and just left hanging! However the fun and games have started with the array of bolts/allen bits that are holding the clam in place. They seem to be a mixture of sizes and types (opposed to the original fixings) which look nice and new and the original fixings that are nearly falling apart from rusting.
I'm having trouble however with the first bolt in the guide (step 6/7) I have removed the headlamps but for the life of me cant see a bolt except one that looks like it is holding the fog bracket to the clam. Is this the right bolt or am I looking in the wrong spot?
Its right down at the bottom joint between the radiator cover and the clam. The bolt points directly outwards, in a horizontal direction. The best way to see it is to take the wheel arch liners out and stick your head in the wheel arch and look forward, you should see the wee buggers at the bottom