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Question About The Crash Limiter

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#1 goune



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Posted 20 October 2006 - 12:20 AM

Due to a small crash, I have to replace my Crash Box (or crash limiter).

So, the garage is in charge of that... but I also have a problem...

We received the new crash limiter but it is not exactly the same than the old one
For the broken area, it is normal... :D

But the real difference is about 2 additional part glued on the box. These parts are normally used to guide the cool airflow to the radiator.

On the new crash limiter I received, this 2 "extensions" or additional brackets/flanges are missing...
and Opel (Yes, I'm French) don't know anything about this flanges... (and in fact, don't know anything about this car... )

So, to illustrate, just have a look on the following pictures...
I found this picture on the net and I have circled in red the 2 flanges I don't have on ny new part

Posted Image

and detail pictures:

Posted Image

Posted Image

So, my question is the following:
Is it normal that I do not have these 2 glued flanges on the new crash limiter I received? If yes, what if the ref of this? Because I need them to rebuild my car…

#2 danyeates


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Posted 20 October 2006 - 12:36 PM

Hi, The parts were on 2 of the vx's I have rebuilt but on the other two there were two large pieces of foam stuck there instead. The foam was on the later cars, the plastic on the earlier ones I think. You may have the foam. I may also be stuck to the radiator, not the crash box. Hope that helps, Dan

#3 goune



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Posted 20 October 2006 - 05:08 PM


The parts were on 2 of the vx's I have rebuilt but on the other two there were two large pieces of foam stuck there instead. The foam was on the later cars, the plastic on the earlier ones I think.

You may have the foam. I may also be stuck to the radiator, not the crash box.

Hope that helps, Dan

OK, so, if I have correctly understood, now the 2 plastic parts are replaced by large foam pieces.

And do you remember if these foam parts are delivered with the crash box, with the radiator or separately?
And what is the reference number for this...?

I have found this:

Posted Image

But part 13 and 14 (SEAL,RADIATOR HOUSING) seem too small to be the correct ones.

and part 5 (FOAM RUBBER,RADIATOR)... There is only one... but I have 2 plastic parts to replace...

#4 danyeates


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Posted 21 October 2006 - 09:09 AM

They look like part number 5, but as you say there only appears to be one! You can try and get hold of Picadors Vauxhall in Southampton. They got me the part numbers and ordered me the plastic ones instead of the foam ones. They should be able to send to France. The foam ones I ordered for another VX came seperately, they did not come with the crash box or radiator housing.

#5 goune



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Posted 21 October 2006 - 09:23 AM

They look like part number 5, but as you say there only appears to be one! You can try and get hold of Picadors Vauxhall in Southampton. They got me the part numbers and ordered me the plastic ones instead of the foam ones. They should be able to send to France.

The foam ones I ordered for another VX came seperately, they did not come with the crash box or radiator housing.

regarding that, i think that the most simple way will be to order directly the Lotus 111R foam parts... they are in the technical sheets...

because i have alerady call Opel France and they were not able to help me... they say that the crash limiter is delivered with every things i need...

but as you said, they are separate parts...

So, thanks for your help!!!
I think with our information, i will be able to make progress the rebuild... thanks !!!

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