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#1 BogBrush


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Posted 24 October 2003 - 06:32 PM

Flew over our office for the last time :( Will miss seeing her in the skies :( :(

#2 Jase_MK


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Posted 24 October 2003 - 06:46 PM

Never really been in to planes but I must admit it was sad watching all the footage on TV toady :(

#3 R1 nur

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Posted 24 October 2003 - 07:07 PM

Never really been in to planes ....

Are u in denial? Check out your Avataar or whatever they are called!

#4 R1 nur

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Posted 24 October 2003 - 07:08 PM


#5 R1 nur

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Posted 24 October 2003 - 07:12 PM

Sorry that does not work. Do not know why...

Edited by R1_NUR, 24 October 2003 - 07:13 PM.

#6 Purebob


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Posted 24 October 2003 - 07:19 PM

My wife is absolutely bonkers about flying and aircraft, so I had to drive her and the kids to Birmingham airport the other day to watch Concorde take off. Odd, really, in truth Concorde is a pointless trinket that allows junkie rock stars to fly to ther drug dealers in New York 3 hours quicker than by jumbo BUT I was quite touched to see the graceful profile take off and go. A plane spotter near us had a scanner on, and we could hear the immortal words "Speedbird you are cleared for take off". Quite touching. Also, all the BA employees went out onto the tarmac and they saluted as she took off. Bizarre that a bit of posh persons metal should inspire such passion..... Lovely profile though even aftter all these years. I wish I'd had a go, I really do but it was too much money.

#7 Jase_MK


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Posted 24 October 2003 - 07:21 PM

Never really been in to planes ....

Are u in denial? Check out your Avataar or whatever they are called!

Where did that plane come from! ;)

Been an extrmemly busy week on the press/media front this week. The Uni I work at is well respected in the world of aeronautics and aviation engineering and as a result our office has been taking lots of calls from various radio stations/tv programmes asking for interviews with our academics on what they think of the future of advanced air travel :beat: :9mm:

Wonder if we'll ever see anything like concorde (concord?) again? Our College of Aeronautics have been researching this blended-wing project for years but I don't know if it'll ever make it to production - it's kind of like a passenger version of a B2 bomber (I think I got that right, the black stealth bomber that looks like a giant wing with no body).

#8 R1 nur

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Posted 24 October 2003 - 07:36 PM

I can't explain what she has but is the same thing a Spitfire has. And to a lesser extent the VX and 205 GTi and original M3 - you get my drift. AS far as a Delta wing transport aircraft goes - Bring it on. 747 nearly 30 years old now. Aeroplane development went great guns until 20 years ago and other than flight control systems and other invisible things nothing has happened. Where is personal air transport?

#9 R1 nur

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Posted 24 October 2003 - 07:46 PM


#10 Mutt & Jeff

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Posted 24 October 2003 - 09:51 PM

Very sad to see the end of Concorde, as a kid my primary school went out onto the green at Lytham to watch it being test flown over the river ribble (it was being developed at Warton) & I was hooked. Shame I never got a go :rolleyes:

Concorde is a pointless trinket that allows junkie rock stars to fly to ther drug dealers in New York 3 hours quicker

Yeah PB but my sessions are gonna get a lot tougher with these strung out muso's :lol:

#11 BogBrush


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Posted 24 October 2003 - 10:48 PM

Posted Image

How can you say that this isn't the best thing mankind has ever built!
When I was younger I used to live in zimbabwe so did a lot of travelling to the UK. My main abition at that time was to become an airline pilot. Unfourtunately there was a spate of airline crashes that totally put me off the idea :(
Now i'm stuck behind a desk looking at a screen all day wishing things had been diferent. Concorde and spitfire are my most favourite aeroplanes. I can undestrand why spitfires went out of production (due to technological adavances?) but for concorde it's just sad when I hear she's being taken out of service due to costs :(
I do hope we see her in the skies in the not too distant future.

Edited by BogBrush, 24 October 2003 - 10:59 PM.

#12 Purebob


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Posted 25 October 2003 - 07:37 AM

Bogbrush, she truly is a lovely thing, looking farm-fresh even 40 years on. I stil think its a rock star's toy though.. M&J I think the 141 bus out of Wilmslow into Manchester will get your chokin' musicians a score quicker than concorde mate ! :D

#13 Jase_MK


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Posted 25 October 2003 - 01:09 PM



#14 Jase_MK


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Posted 25 October 2003 - 01:10 PM

forgot the picture...

Attached Files

#15 David75



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Posted 25 October 2003 - 01:29 PM

Well Concord(e) was a work of progress created by both France and GB. That's why you'll see her name with or with the e :) Yeah it has been stopped due to costs and that terrible accident in France.... But mainly the problem was that she has been banned from the US soil in her early years.... only to protect Boieng aircrafts..... It would be like stopping Vx's to protect diesel engined car markets..... Costs? well with more planes taht would mean nothing. The same goes with a little more engineering. The only thing I can't accept: there was once a way to go very quickly from one point to another in the world... and now we'll have to wait for decades before it's possible again. It reveals some kind of regression. c u

#16 R1 nur

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Posted 25 October 2003 - 03:17 PM

forgot the picture...

Much better than my feeble attempt.

Edited by R1_NUR, 25 October 2003 - 03:17 PM.

#17 Huntsman


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Posted 25 October 2003 - 08:29 PM

As somebody said, "the world just got a little bit bigger..." It's a crying shame to see such a beautiful thing beaten by the moneymen. Ok, so it's an anachronism, it's loud, it's cramped, it's impractical, it's expensive, it's stupidly quick, it's the envy of some, an object of hate for others. Remind you of anything? I used to see Concordes regularly when I was training horses in the west of Ireland - Air France pilots did some training at Shannon Airport. They passed 12-15 times daily and we never failed to stop and look. Same thing applied when I lived in Berkshire. It passed over twice daily and I'd stand in my garden to watch her go by. I'd then say hello to my neighbours who were doing the same thing and go back to my dinner. I can't remember another time when we've gone backwards. Don't know about anybody else, but I'll miss her. :(

#18 Purebob


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Posted 25 October 2003 - 08:38 PM

I watched a discovery channel program about it yesterday. Apparrently teh problem nowadays with SSTs is the sonic boom. They're banned everywhere except briefly over the Atlantic and briefly over the Pacific. this limits the routes and so renders SSTs unprofitable. Now I can't imagine we'll ever defy the sonic boom, so I think we're stuffed for SST

#19 benw


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Posted 25 October 2003 - 10:20 PM

Living only about 20 miles away from Heathrow, Concorde was a familiar sight from my back garden. I even got to distinguish the sound of it compared to the other aircraft. Whenever my family and friends saw it we always used to stop and point no matter what. This summer I recognised the sound of concorde from the kitchen and leant out the back door to look. The sky was mostly cloudy and I was about to go back inside when I spotted her just appearing between the clouds. The sun was reflecting off the clouds and lighting up the underside of the wings which looked fantastic against the blue sky behind. I'll miss it :(

Edited by benw, 25 October 2003 - 10:21 PM.

#20 amrit


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Posted 25 October 2003 - 11:36 PM

Being a stone's throw from H'row I'd got used to seeing Concorde. Still very sad to see her go. Just goes to show, that the Brits (and French) don't seem to have that spirit of building something remarkable regardless of cost as in the 60s. Maybe there's too many accountants around these days. Having studied aeronautics at Uni I know how complex and advanced the design of Concorde is. Nowadays people seem content on just making the books balance - boring. Those engineers and designers from the 60s showed us how it should be done - all without the computing power that sits on our desks!

Edited by amrit, 25 October 2003 - 11:38 PM.

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