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Larini Exhaust Group Buy.. 20% Discount

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#1 Blue VXR # 65

Blue VXR # 65

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Posted 27 January 2007 - 11:17 AM

Larini Exhausts are well known to make probably the best sounding of all exhausts and they have now developed one for the vx tubby with the aid of Andyr off this very forum.
so with this in mind I have decided to start a group buy offering a discount of 20% (if we get enoiugh people).

But first check out andy's exhaust from this sound clip..

Andyr's Larini exhaust

Complete system, downpipe, sports cat & backbox £1365 and Back box £550 delivered

A group buy could get it down to £1092 which I would say is a bargain to be had!

Spoke to a very helpful guy at Larini earlier, and he said that they'd be able to do a group buy discount as follows:

They'd open up an order book for us, which would be open for a certain amount of time, and they would work out the group discount based on the number of orders placed in that time. So, if they get 2 to 4 orders in the time it's 10% off for everyone, 5 to 15 orders 15% off, 16+ orders 20% off.

So if enough of us got together it becomes a good bit cheaper than Milltek I think....

Just been on the phone to Dave at Larini and he told me that there need only 15 exhausts to be sold (either full system or just back boxes) to qualify for the 20% discount, so if your thinking of a new and great sounding exhaust lets get a group buy together.
We need to get 15 names on the list, OK to start,

1, Nathan (blue VXR) full sports system.
2, Mike (Mike_VX) VXT back box for the moment

come on guys and girls its a great deal for a great sounding exhaust.

A link to the Larini web site.

Larini Exhausts

Edited by Blue VXR # 65, 27 January 2007 - 11:33 AM.

#2 Corsa kid

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Posted 27 January 2007 - 12:19 PM

Can you only get the system? As i would just like a back box!

#3 RobNA


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Posted 27 January 2007 - 12:49 PM

Just been on the phone to Dave at Larini and he told me that there need only 15 exhausts to be sold (either full system or just back boxes)


#4 chapman



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Posted 27 January 2007 - 05:10 PM

Hi, I'm interested for the back box. But has Larini developped also a backbox for N/A ??

#5 Timbo


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Posted 27 January 2007 - 06:41 PM

ck, if you read the thread you would find it actually says "backboxes £550 delivered" and also if you had read it properly instead of jumping in with your 2 right feet, he also states that this is for a "tubby". Now if you dont know what that stands for its "TURBO", but if you look on the Larini website (this is also for your benefit chapman), they already do one for an na, but obviously (because im not running this GB, and i read things without asking stupid questions) i dont know if the na exhaust will qualify for the group discount. Oh and by the way ck (it only needs a o and another c to tell you what most people think of you by the way :P ) are you not selling your car today or is it only weekdays when its for sale or when there is an R in the day :D

#6 CocoPops


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Posted 27 January 2007 - 08:06 PM

I think you just said what everyone has been thinking Tim! ;)

#7 djegiant


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Posted 27 January 2007 - 08:12 PM

Will it make my car fast??? This is a stupid question competition is it not??? :unsure: :lol:

#8 theotherjonnymac


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Posted 27 January 2007 - 09:04 PM

For that sort of money a Milltek can be had. Does anyone know the difference?

#9 JamesH1983


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Posted 27 January 2007 - 09:09 PM

For that sort of money a Milltek can be had. Does anyone know the difference?

Thats a good question, I also would like to know the difference. Prob to early to tell as the Larini is quite new I guess.

#10 Joe-Turbo


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Posted 28 January 2007 - 12:04 AM

could be an idea to get another RR day organised :poke:

#11 Code Monkey

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Posted 28 January 2007 - 01:01 AM

Difference in noise, going on the vid, tho that can be deceptive. possible difference on power outputs, but chances are will be all of a muchness all the other exhausts seem to be.

#12 chapman



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Posted 28 January 2007 - 09:44 AM

Salut, Je suis désolé de voir qu'il faut etre parfaitement bilingue pour poster dans ce forum. :blink: Si tu avais toi aussi Timbo fait quelques recherches de ton coté avant de mettre tes 2 pieds dans le plat :P , tu te serais rendu compte que dans nombreux de mes posts, je demande si une expédition de pièces à destination de la France est possible. ....Et oui, je suis francais. ....Et oui, je n'ai pas noté que dans le post initial, il y a avait un mot qui signifiait turbo (tubby). :( Tubby n'existe pas dans le dictionnaire, et chez nous Tubby c'est un DA. :) Voilà donc. Merci encore Timbo pour ta perspicacité et ta tolérance aux personnes dont l'anglais n'est pas la langue maternelle... Imnotworthy Dans tous les cas, je reste intéressé par un achat d'un silencieux Larini pour mon atmo. Est-ce que l'achat d'un tel silencieux peut rentrer dans la commande grouper pour bénéficier de la réduction ? Slts Xavier

#13 chapman



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Posted 28 January 2007 - 09:58 AM

Hi I translate the end of my post, which is the most important... I stay interested to buy a N/A backbox. Will a N/A backbox qualify for the group discount ? Bye Xavier

#14 The Knobs

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Posted 28 January 2007 - 12:25 PM

better get Sam to translate that Tim.

#15 Blue VXR # 65

Blue VXR # 65

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Posted 28 January 2007 - 12:53 PM

We need to get 15 names on the list, OK to start, 1, Nathan (blue VXR) full sports system. 2, Mike (Mike_VX) VXT back box for the moment 3, Crosa Kid Back Box

#16 Blue VXR # 65

Blue VXR # 65

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Posted 29 January 2007 - 07:06 PM

We need to get 15 names on the list, OK to start, 1, Nathan (blue VXR) full sports system. 2, Mike (Mike_VX) VXT back box for the moment 3, Crosa Kid Back Box 4, Vince68 Back Box

#17 benw


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Posted 29 January 2007 - 08:29 PM


Je suis désolé de voir qu'il faut etre parfaitement bilingue pour poster dans ce forum. :blink:
Si tu avais toi aussi Timbo fait quelques recherches de ton coté avant de mettre tes 2 pieds dans le plat :P , tu te serais rendu compte que dans nombreux de mes posts, je demande si une expédition de pièces à destination de la France est possible.
....Et oui, je suis francais.
....Et oui, je n'ai pas noté que dans le post initial, il y a avait un mot qui signifiait turbo (tubby). :(
Tubby n'existe pas dans le dictionnaire, et chez nous Tubby c'est un DA. :)
Voilà donc.
Merci encore Timbo pour ta perspicacité et ta tolérance aux personnes dont l'anglais n'est pas la langue maternelle... Imnotworthy
Dans tous les cas, je reste intéressé par un achat d'un silencieux Larini pour mon atmo.
Est-ce que l'achat d'un tel silencieux peut rentrer dans la commande grouper pour bénéficier de la réduction ?

Erm.....Xavier......I think you got the wrong end of the stick. Timbo was aiming his frustrations at another post before yours from Corsa Kid (Hence he starts the post 'ck' - Corsa Kid). You are innocent my friend.

I hope it's not too late for me to offer you a friendly welcome to our forum? :) To answer your question in my most basic French:

Oui, c'est possible pour un reduction avec 15 personnes achete le silencieux. Je pense juste pour le Tubby - pas pour the NA

(That's probably hilariously bad but at least I tried :lol: )

#18 chapman



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Posted 29 January 2007 - 08:54 PM

Hi Ben. Thanks for your friendly welcome ! :) I am waiting for an answer from Blue VXR # 65 about the group discount. Imnotworthy He will ask Larini if a command of a N/A backbox is OK for the discount, and ask also about the shipment to France. (shipment included for GB, but for France ????) Imnotworthy Thanks a lot for your explanation about Timbo and "ck"... chinky chinky I didn't notice that Timbo was speaking to Corsa Kid, Sorry. :( Timbo, I'm really to have misunderstood you... :( :( :( :( I haven't spoken english for years, and I have to train again. SORRY again Timbo, really. :( And THANKS again Ben for your explanation ! thumbsup About the group discount: I posted 2 topics on the french and german VX220 Forum, in order to find another people interested to buy LARINI exhaust. Maybe with english, french and german, we'll find 15 people ??!! :groupjump: I found Vince68 on the french forum... thumbsup For myself, I am waiting for the answer from Blue VXR, but i'm really interested. :rolleyes: Bye Xav

#19 vx220pete



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Posted 29 January 2007 - 08:55 PM

What sort of noise difference would just a back box make?? pete

#20 wrightster


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Posted 29 January 2007 - 09:56 PM

i have the NA larini backbox only and it sounds fantastic loud enough without being deafening on long journeys :)

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