B5M_VX, on Jul 20 2006, 17:48 , said:
Its pretty simple. Here's how it works:
One person requests a picture of something; landmark, road, building, object, anything. The first person to post up a picture of that subject wins.
But it can't just be any old picture - it must have YOUR car in the picture, somewhere. So for example, if I was to say "lighthouse", the winner would be the first person to post a picture of a lighthouse with their car somewhere in the picture, e.g. parked in front of the lighthouse.
That winning person then suggests another subject for the photo, and it continues, ad infinitum.
> No photoshops! Genuine pictures only!
> The current "winner" can't submit a picture to a subject they have imposed.
> If two pictures are posted at the same time, OR a dispute arises, the person who suggested the subject decides who wins.
> Try and keep it on-topic - I've put this in gallery so it should work here.
> If the poster of the winning picture does not suggest a new subject within 3 days of winning, the previous winner must select a new subject.
>Pics need to be new ones taken after the subject was chosen, ie no library pics from years ago. winner needs to be able to provide unedited pic so that exif data can be checked.
now the weathers picking up i thought it'd be nice to see this ressurected!
seeing as nobody could meet with Richy's requirements that halted the last run of pics in the original thread, im going to suggest a new picture topic to get us going again.
remember the rules, all pictures must have been taken after the request!
so, i'd like to see a Vx with a lake or river in the picture too.
who's up for the challenge?

Edited by Lps, 15 March 2007 - 06:23 AM.