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From A Japanese Scooby, To A Vxt

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#1 Gedi


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 07:58 PM

After becoming worryingly over enthusiastic about the VXT (i.e. on my mind most of the day and dreaming about them at night) I finally went for a test drive today in one...........here are my findings:

My current (actually ex current, I just sold it :( ) car is a 'Subaru Impreza STI5 TypeR V-Limited' (phew, what a mouthful)

I'm writing this report for anyone coming from the world of r4lly derived cars and looking for an insight to the VXT. When I say this, I emphasize I do not include the UK Subaru Impreza (which was massively detuned for the UK market). I'm relating this to the real, performance Jap cars........STI Subaru's, Evo5/6/7/8, Skyline R33/34 etc.

For anyone that doesn't know about the TypeR, it can be related to a P1. The P1 was a detuned version of the TypeR. it was derived from the TypeR and all the goodies removed by Prodrive. Things removed included close ration box, driver controlled adjustable differential, intercooler water spray, different map. (many other things, but this isn't a discussion about why the British are puffs and feel the need to deprive their customers from the real deal)
For the recored (which will matter as this is what my own comparison was based on), my car was running aprox, 320bhp, was on the standard TypeR suspension setup (which was naturally set up hard) and 18" wheels. (handling issue)

OK, now as we have set the scene, I will begin.

The day was very dry. The sun was beaming and not a cloud in sight. There was a very cold and heavy feel to the air. I would have estimated it to be around 8 degrees Cecilius. This was perfect weather for a turbo'd car and I was very excited.

Not that this matters, but I have 2 colour schemes in mind. Coral blue with blue leather and Calypso red with red leather. As the salesman brought the car round for me, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was actually a Calypso red car with red leather.......was this just coincidence?????

The car hadn't yet been registered and only had 24 miles on the clock. It still had brown paper on the floor, so I guessed I was one of the first to get in this car..........hmmm, I thought, I wonder if this could be a possible worthy buy in a few months when I will (Dependant on todays drive) be getting mine.

I jumped into the car like an athlete, while my 'supervisor' struggled for about 5 minutes trying to get in. It was his first ride in a VX, and it showed. I couldn't help but snigger at him bending awquardly, almost painfully, trying to get into the car. Stick to your fiestas mate, I thought.

First thoughts.......I felt like I was sat in a an Aldi reject. All the build quality I was used to from my cars had dissapeared. I just prayed the wheels stayed on, or the steering wheel didn't snap off in my hand. Just kidding, but this car obviously wasn't built down a BMW production line.

We set off and the first thought that entered my head was 'damn, do engines really make that much noise???
I'm used to hearing an exhaust note, not the noise of mashing metal grinding and tapping in my ears. I need the softtop off to drown that noise out!!!!

Anyway, we set off down the road and turned onto the twistys.
With the 'supervisor' breathing down my neck I felt a little awquard to be nailing it, bollocks to it, i'm going for it anyway!!!!

The feedback on my scoob was sensational and I found it hard to comprehend a car that could better that.......but damn, I had found one!!!
I would not say this car gave me any more confidence than the scoob did on the twistys, in fact it actually hindered it. I had lost my clear view of the road, I had lost my driver confidence.......but I didn't give a damn......this was fun!!!!!

There is absolutely no way a VX could be a serious contender to the TypeR (remember i'm not comparing this to the UK scoob) on the twistys, unless you are Micheal Schumacher, but who gives a fcuk when your face is hurting from grinning so hard.

OK, I continued round the twisties, trying not to let the 'supervisor' know I was having such fun, when we came to the dual carriage way. Up until now I had driven the car off the throttle enjoying the handling..........however now it was time to open her up.

We pulled onto the slip road in second, checked for traffic.........great it was clear.....here we go, hold on to your dinner.....bang, I hit the throttle
eeeerrrrmmmm, who pinched the engine????
The performance was nothing less than upsetting!!!

Wait I thought, were still only at 3000 rpm, OK, its slow to on the buildup, but here comes the boost!!

And I waited, and I waited, and I waited!!!!

I'm serious, I was absolutely devastated!!!

I would say that in performance terms in comparison to my scoob, this was around half the performance. In fact, if I didn't know before hand that this was a turbo'd engine, I would have told anyone to fcuk off who tried to tell me it was. It felt like a N/A engine.

OK, I accept that this car had a tight engine that still needed loosening up, but can a tight engine actually remove 201bhp from a 200bhp car????

OK, I thought, not to worry, this car has a blower, the reason for my love of turbo'd cars. If I bought this car, I knew that it would be going to have the boost massively increased. I just need to save a bit extra to have it sent for a remap. I knew this car had serious potential when I thought back 5 minutes and remembered the twistys.

We got back to the garage with me in two states of mind. Excitment from the feel of the car on the road, intriuged as to what fun this car would be to live with as an only car, and dissapointment from the straightline speed of the car.

In short, here are my thoughts on the car, in relation to my scoob from the 50 minutes drive I had:

Handling: for everyday use on UK roads, not the best car out there. I would say my scoob would beat it (in my hands) on pretty much all terrain. But the fun factor far, far, far outweighs anything any r4lly car can give you. I'm still smiling thinking about how much fun it was now.

brakes: Absolutely spot on. The feel of the pedal was both solid and reassuring. It made me believe I could stop this car quicker than anything I had ever driven. The cars weight is evident through the brakes.....it seems effortless, almost bike like.

performance Terrible in my opinion (probably not in the opinion of people coming from family cars). Bearing in mind I am used to acceleration in which you can actually feel your body become twice the weight it normally is, and you have to fight your tounge from slipping down your throat....for me it was the only real let down of the car
However in its defense, for any r4lly car owners reading this looking to buy, the engine was only 25 miles up and I had 2 people in, can be easily fixed as this engine has the potential to hit 240bhp for very little money and 280bhp with no reliability issues.
The sound of the engine grating behind you didn't help matters, but changing the shite exhaust to a full system would (hopefully) drown this sound out, as it was only evident when you push the engine over 3500rpm.

build For a hand built car, it was excellent. Don't loose sight of the fact that this is a hand built car, BMW quality is not to be expected. In actual fact, I liked the hand built feel to the car. It made you feel really involved with the whole experience. It also gave me piece of mind that if something came loose, I would be able to fix things myself without having to plug the car into a computer to tell me a screw had come loose on the airbox.

looks phwaar. Much better in the flesh than any picture can potray

final thoughts
I got rid of my Subaru because to have fun in it, I would generally have to be doing the wrong side of 100mph down country lanes. The car was sooooo increadable, it took all the enjoyment (and fear factor) out of driving it.
On UK roads, there is absolutely no way that the VX could contend with my TypeR. But thats not what this car is about. Its about putting the FUN back into driving. Getting excited about driving without breaking the speed limit. This car put across the following words to me:
Race car

In essence, if creature comforts aren't essential, if your a sucka for a true drivers car, if you've always wanted a true racing sports car, if you don't mind living with the niggles of a hand built car......
.......this could well be the best car for under £50k you could buy.

Am I buying one?????? Yes.
Will I increase the power????? Yes
Will I stop at that???? Hell no, that not what this car is about for me.
What will it be about for you?????

**note, my comparison was based on UK roads, not track. I have no doubt that these things are rapid on a track**

*edited a few grammar mistakes.

Edited by Gedi, 22 February 2004 - 08:41 PM.

#2 barrybethel


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 08:11 PM

I agree a good Scoob or similar would be much easier to drive quick on the road, and prob therefore be quicker overall. On a track though I doubt a Scoob would get near a vx on the corners. C of G far too high for a start.

#3 GerryM


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 08:23 PM

You are without doubt the first person ever to feel let down by the VXT's performance. At least it kills the Scoob for reliability. Apart from your view on performance, I think you are pretty close with the rest of it. cheers gerry

#4 Jim_Cross


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 08:36 PM

:o Your Scooby must be nothing short of mentally fast for the Turbo to feel slow! Glad to see that smiles have won out over horsepower though (for now ;)) I reckon the figures would show the VXT to be much closer to your Scoob than it feels - it's down to the power delivery. The VXT has a very linear power delivery, so doesn't really feel like a Turbo'd car. As such, you don't get that Turbo rush. But try putting an engine with Scooby-style delivery in a 900kg car and see how long you stay out of the hedges!

Edited by Jim_Cross, 22 February 2004 - 08:43 PM.

#5 Purebob


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 08:40 PM

Rall y reps make heroes out of fools IME. I can't imagine anything faster point to point in the UK than a sharp scooby or Evo, but they are so uninvolving it desensitises the whole experience IME. The VX T is a different ballgame, with the car not sorting out duff inputs. The Na is a step even less forgiving and more communicative. The Elise S1 and Exige are close to Caterfields in feedback and "sensation of speed". I'd lose my license in a year in a fast scoob, I have more fun at half the speed in my VX. If the VXT relly DID feel much slower than your Scooby I'd be careful - will it REALLY live up to your expectations ?

#6 Gedi


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 08:50 PM

As I said, the engine was brand new, we were 2 up (never checked fuel capacity) and I was in high expectations of the straight line speed. All this combined probably leaned far to much weight on my dissapointment. If your expecting a fillet steak and you get a rump, then that rump will be the worst tasting rump ever.....even though rump is usually enough. Anyway, its a turbo'd car in a very mild state of tune. I can easily sort out the power issue. I'm sure a passanger ride in Thorneys or Streetboys car would prove that point to me ;)

#7 GerryM


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 08:51 PM

PB, the ultimate factor must be that no-one points at your car and says "look at that cnut" when you drive a VX or VXT. Nuff said!

#8 Jim_Cross


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 08:52 PM

If your expecting a fillet steak and you get a rump, then that rump will be the worst tasting rump ever.....even though rump is usually enough.

A man should never complain about a steak. A steak is always great! :D
Hmm, maybe the VX is the steak of the car world ;)

#9 davehutchinson


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 08:57 PM

I agree a good Scoob or similar would be much easier to drive quick on the road, and prob therefore be quicker overall. On a track though I doubt a Scoob would get near a vx on the corners. C of G far too high for a start.

Evo claim the Impreza STI type C to be faster around their circuit than the VX Turbo, surprised me too. As for the acceleration, two up does make a difference, I come from driving things like Noble's and Ferrari's and I still found the VXT to be a quick car, however it does tail off in 3rd gear more than I'd of hoped. Get it tuned and you really will have ther performance you want :)

#10 Gedi


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 09:13 PM

People massivly underestimate the Subaru......it can be fustrating sometimes.

IMO, the spec C subaru will beat a VXT on the track.

In the words of Justin Wilson, F1 driver, The spec C Impreza is equal in performance to the Porche GT3 round a track.
Peoplw will find this hard to belive, but here is the link http://www.litimport...arge/mag_11.jpg

On tracks, it is compared with cars like Noble M12, Porche GT3, Caterhams, BMW M3 CSL

#11 davehutchinson


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 09:20 PM

I know, I nearly bought one :) The VXT was more sports car like and far more fun to drive, I don't think you get the same feeling of acceleration in the VXT either for some reason. The Spec C I drove was nothing short of brutal.

#12 Thorney


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 09:21 PM

Standard VXT is never going to be all that on a track as the suspesnion is set for the road.

#13 wickywire


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 09:22 PM

I agree a good Scoob or similar would be much easier to drive quick on the road, and prob therefore be quicker overall. On a track though I doubt a Scoob would get near a vx on the corners. C of G far too high for a start.

You've got an evo6, a couple of evo 4s, R33 and a few scoobys to play with at elvington Dean ;)

I hope the track is a little twisty so we can find out.

#14 exjagman


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 09:27 PM

IMO should never test drive a car that's not run in, especially a VXT

#15 Gedi


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 09:29 PM

Dave, consider the acceleration of the spec C you drove as it was equal to my TypeR. Then at least someone might understand where I am coming from, when I say I was dissapointed with the acceleration of the VXT. At least there will be someone out there that won't think i'm either a phyco or very wierd......hehe

#16 davehutchinson


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 09:37 PM

I do understand entirely :) There's only one car I've driven with more brutal acceleration and that was the Ferrari F40. I wouldn't worry though, 260 bhp+ in the VXT should take it to an entirely new level.

#17 Gedi


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 09:41 PM

I do understand entirely :) There's only one car I've driven with more brutal acceleration and that was the Ferrari F40. I wouldn't worry though, 260 bhp+ in the VXT should take it to an entirely new level.

I like your way of thinking Dave.
I think 260bhp will be for me, what the latest Vercace shoes are to my ex g/f........a must have. We just simply can't live without them......lol

#18 P11 COV


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 10:03 PM

There's something I'm not getting here. The 0-60 time of a VXT is 4.7. There aren't many cars that can beat that at the 25K mark. - Ferrari 360/ Porche GT3 not much better at 4.5. The subaru sti spec C is 'only' 4.3......how can the VXT feel so slow? sure you didn't have your foot on the wrong pedal in that cramped cockpit?

Edited by P11 COV, 22 February 2004 - 10:04 PM.

#19 Guzzler



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Posted 22 February 2004 - 10:06 PM

**note, my comparison was based on UK roads, not track. I have no doubt that these things are rapid on a track**

I am so pleased you added this. I was all set to point this out but you did it yourself. (Even tho you think the Scoob will be quicker.)

I think you should go out in a run in car.

By the way I do not agree with what you said about the brakes. One of the weakest links in the VXT.


Edited by Guzzler, 22 February 2004 - 10:12 PM.

#20 Gedi


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 10:24 PM

how can the VXT feel so slow? sure you didn't have your foot on the wrong pedal in that cramped cockpit?

I really don't know. It wasn't so much the 0-60 time I was commenting on, it was more the 20mph in second gear....nail it and 50mph in third.....nail it kind of trial. I was hoping for a burst of acceleration intense enough to rupture the blood vessles in my eyes.
Anyway, Dave knows what I mean.......hes my backup :)

how can the VXT feel so slow? sure you didn't have your foot on the wrong pedal in that cramped cockpit?

I didn't get chance to really cook the brakes. I only got them midly warm.

I think if i'd have pushed the car in the way I would if I had been in alone, I would have had a salesman screaming like a schoolgirl in my ear and in need of a new change of pants.

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