Credit card scammer - This weekend in France (LFG/Folembray Trip) Check your bank accounts guys!
Hi - this was posted in Sussex just so I thought I put it out on Seloc chat as its important.
One of the guys on the LFG & Folembray trip has had his card scammed for €600 either from the Eurotunnel shops or the petrol station near the Hotel. Worth checking your accounts to make sure that you are safe! Wankers!
Cross post from SELOC thread here. Sounds like it might have been a Eurotunnel cash machine. Worth checking your bank accounts.
My card has also been scammed to the tune of £120, it was done an hour after we filled up at the euro tunnel petrol station, after we got off the traincheck your banks guys we all filled up there.
Hang on, didn't you say it did something funny with your card...? You thought you hadn't paid. What does it say on your statement??