Today's update:
I didn't get foam blocks sorted so have not installed the rad yet. Also, the expansion tank from Autovaux was the wrong one. It has an extra little inlet at the top. Or is that all you can get these days?
I did clean up the rad surround and the crashbox, and install the rad in the surround with new hardware. I also put the rad hoses on the hard lines in the tub. Who was it that complained about Forge not wrapping their rad well in the GP? They owe me 15 minutes of my life.

The rad was wrapped in bubble wrap, a ton of cling film, and another big lot of bubble wrap!
I also finally got the second drop link off. What a PITA. The new ones from Elise-Shop don't have much of a flat on them, so I wouldn't recommend them over ones with an allen key socket. Either way I would have had to cut them off, I trashed the big flats on the OE droplinks getting them off as it was.
I had to loosen the brake MC to test fit the rad surround, so I need to remember to tighten that up later. Also, some of my wiring routing is going to have to be redone. Now that the crash box is on some parts don't go in and around very nicely.
I got the rad fan brackets off the old rad, and brought those home along with the tow eye bracket to get those cleaned up and painted. Hopefully get the little bits sorted and have the rad in by the end of the week.