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#41 theolodian


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Posted 18 September 2009 - 06:24 PM

good effort!!!! your workspace looks like a dream too :wub: I reshelled a car on my drive, and would have killed for somewhere like that!!! mind you, it was easy compared to what your doing...... how long till you finish do you think? as always, the last 20% takes 80% of the time!!!

Thanks guys. The workshop is more than adequate for sure, but I think I'd rather have a garage at home. It's so hard to get over to the workshop and spend any time on it . It's 30 minutes away, young baby, blah blah. I do hope to finish this winter, been a year so far. It feels like it could really go quickly if I could just spend a little more time on it. I'm lucky to get 2hrs a week on it currently.

#42 techieboy


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Posted 18 September 2009 - 10:01 PM

If you ever want some additional labour one weekend, I'm available at a decent rate (coffee and/or diet coke). thumbsup

#43 Leon_1984


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Posted 18 September 2009 - 10:11 PM

good effort!!!! your workspace looks like a dream too :wub: I reshelled a car on my drive, and would have killed for somewhere like that!!! mind you, it was easy compared to what your doing...... how long till you finish do you think? as always, the last 20% takes 80% of the time!!!

Thanks guys. The workshop is more than adequate for sure, but I think I'd rather have a garage at home. It's so hard to get over to the workshop and spend any time on it . It's 30 minutes away, young baby, blah blah. I do hope to finish this winter, been a year so far. It feels like it could really go quickly if I could just spend a little more time on it. I'm lucky to get 2hrs a week on it currently.

yeah thats true, beauty of doing it at home was I could go out and do 20 minutes at it, maybe something i didnt finish the night before etc which if you have to make the effort to go over there you wouldnt.

Still, will be very rewarding once your driving it

#44 theolodian


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Posted 19 September 2009 - 11:58 AM

If you ever want some additional labour one weekend, I'm available at a decent rate (coffee and/or diet coke). thumbsup

Both happily supplied. You can also peruse the other 0.6 pile of parts. thumbsup

So how are you for sometime between 3-5pm tomorrow? I need a hand lifting the fuel tank into place. Also, please bring your rivnut tool sometime (doesn't have to be tomorrow if you can't make it). chinky chinky

Separately, does anyone know how to align the steering column shaft? Ready for that to go in anytime, if I can figure out which way it goes. :rolleyes:

#45 vocky



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Posted 19 September 2009 - 12:12 PM

steering column - fit the lower knockle and bolt first, then with the steering lock 'on' fit to the rack (make sure the wheels are straight ahead or the rack has even amount each side)

#46 theolodian


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Posted 19 September 2009 - 12:18 PM

steering column - fit the lower knockle and bolt first, then with the steering lock 'on' fit to the rack (make sure the wheels are straight ahead or the rack has even amount each side)

Well that makes it easy if the column only locks in the straight-ahead position. Cheers. chinky chinky

#47 Decky


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Posted 20 September 2009 - 05:46 PM

I never read the projects part of the board so had no idea you were doing such a massive amount of work cheif, looking good, amazing in fact. kudos!

#48 theolodian


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Posted 20 September 2009 - 06:43 PM

I never read the projects part of the board so had no idea you were doing such a massive amount of work cheif, looking good, amazing in fact. kudos!

Cheers mate. It's going to be a serious test of my long-term recall at this rate. It was far too nice today, so I bailed on going to the workshop and spent the day outside with the family. B)

#49 techieboy


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Posted 20 September 2009 - 06:59 PM

Cheers mate. It's going to be a serious test of my long-term recall at this rate. It was far too nice today, so I bailed on going to the workshop and spent the day outside with the family. B)

Thank God for that. I've only just seen your earlier note about the tank. :blush:

Drop me a PM when you're next planning on tackling some jobs and I'll see if I can make it over for a few hours. Definitely safer to PM as for some reason I rarely notice updates on the Projects threads.

#50 theolodian


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Posted 20 September 2009 - 07:34 PM

Cheers mate. It's going to be a serious test of my long-term recall at this rate. It was far too nice today, so I bailed on going to the workshop and spent the day outside with the family. B)

Thank God for that. I've only just seen your earlier note about the tank. :blush:

Drop me a PM when you're next planning on tackling some jobs and I'll see if I can make it over for a few hours. Definitely safer to PM as for some reason I rarely notice updates on the Projects threads.

Thanks, yeah no one was available so it was easy to bail. I'll PM you next time. chinky chinky

#51 theolodian


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Posted 27 September 2009 - 06:51 PM

Huge thanks to Duncan VXR for coming over for an hour this afternoon and saving my bacon! thumbsup Oh, and for sacrificing a bit of skin for the cause. We both look like we've been attacked by rabid rodents. Joys of working with a sheetmetal tub. :dry: After a frustrating session yesterday going most of nowhere, with that extra set of hands we go the rear coolant hoses sorted in a few minutes. We then went on to install the fuel tank, finding at least one hash job the factory had done when putting the car together originally. :rolleyes: Btw Duncan, that other fuel line was all the way on when you left.

#52 Duncan VXR

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Posted 28 September 2009 - 08:52 AM

LOL yep just as my other self harm looking cuts are healing nice I get a fresh cut from Theo's tub :D Glad you got the other fuel line in - really is a PITA getting your hands into that access point. More than happy to give you a hand going forward, and hope to have more time free ;) got back and was running a 10mile session 5mins later :o DG

#53 theolodian


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Posted 04 November 2009 - 08:19 PM

Well, finally worked on it again the other night. Spent an hour tidying up the fuel lines and coolant hoses in the engine bay. :rolleyes: Good thing I was only there for an hour, my back was not used to it! I think that I mounted the fuel lines correctly. I'll have to sort out a pic for someone to confirm it. What should I do about gear oil? Getting close to needing silly little things like that. Gearing up for a big session to get the engine back in before the end of the month, hopefully.

#54 vocky



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Posted 05 November 2009 - 09:18 AM

get two 1 litre bottles of vauxhall transmission oil 93165290 - under £5 each from the dealer inc vat thumbsup

#55 theolodian


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Posted 08 November 2009 - 08:07 PM

Things are going a little easier for now. Got the front upper shock mounts scraped, painted, and installed. Got the shear panel cleaned and loosely in place, however I need a smaller torque wrench (24Nm). I bought a small one at Halfrauds but I don't trust it. I also prepped and painted the 2 wishbone mounts and the engine/tranny mount that go into the back of the tub. The wishbone mounts are in, but I wasn't sure which way up the engine mount bracket goes. It looks symmetrical at first, but it turns out that the hole for the rubber mount is offset a little bit. Should it be mounted so that the hole is higher or lower?

#56 vocky



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Posted 08 November 2009 - 08:34 PM

the hole is nearer the top on my NA thumbsup

#57 theolodian


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Posted 08 November 2009 - 08:41 PM

the hole is nearer the top on my NA thumbsup

OK, cheers! Looks like everything will be ready on time. thumbsup Oh, and I will get that gear oil too. ;)

#58 MrSimba


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Posted 08 November 2009 - 08:43 PM

Look forward to seeing it at the Waterman when its all done! thumbsup

#59 theolodian


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Posted 10 November 2009 - 01:27 PM

Look forward to seeing it at the Waterman when its all done! thumbsup

After all this I'm not going to want to get it dirty! :rolleyes:

Cheers. chinky chinky

#60 theolodian


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Posted 15 November 2009 - 03:40 PM

Thank goodness for air impact guns! :angry:

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