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#101 theolodian


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Posted 01 February 2010 - 11:16 AM

OK, after ANOTHER hour and a half of focussed effort, the old sill is now prepped for the paint shop. They will have to do some minor fiberglass repairs to it, but nothing major. The other side is brand new OEM, so they will have a good guide to go by. Hoping to drop both sills off tomorrow and have them back the week of the 15th. Then getting Guglielmi's to help me glue them both on. That is the week that the family is out of town and I hope to make some major progress, including getting it running and ready to put on the ground anytime. That does not include getting the crashbox on. A whole 'nother kettle of fish that. :rolleyes: Then I plan to leave the rear clam and roll bar cover with the paint shop for repairs and paint while I join the family in the sun, sand and sea. ;) When the rear clam and roll cover are on I can mount the hardtop so that everything is in the correct orientation when they put the windscreen in. Of course it has to go on the ground before I can mount the rear clam or the backstays for the roll bar will push everything out of whack. There is a very specific sequence to all of this! Then the last batch to the paint shop will be the front clam, doors, and maybe the hard top. And all I will have to do to finish it will be the crashbox . . .

#102 theolodian


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Posted 02 February 2010 - 06:52 PM

There was a break in the rain so I was able to haul the sills to the paint shop today. That is a milestone, first bits in the paint shop! :jump: I was thinking of getting some thick black or anthracite vinyl and using it as stone protector on the sills. Under the bottom, and the ends (which are covered by the wheel well liners). Not really out in the visible areas, I'll probably get the stock stone protector bits for behind the doors. Thoughts?

#103 siztenboots



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Posted 04 February 2010 - 09:20 AM

did you get any panels from mvs racing in the end?

#104 theolodian


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Posted 04 February 2010 - 10:24 AM

did you get any panels from mvs racing in the end?

No. I got a brand new OEM sill from someone on here. I do keep thinking about the crash box though. :rolleyes:

#105 theolodian


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Posted 05 February 2010 - 12:28 PM

Well the answer is £60 for 100kg.

#106 Duncan VXR

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Posted 05 February 2010 - 01:13 PM

Well the answer is £60 for 100kg.

Should have put some rocks inside ;) :D

#107 GF ORCE8


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 09:00 AM

SH** :( I´m too late.... As Duncan has answered to my "parts wanted" thread.... The chassis is already gone right? I would have needed 2 small sections cut off and sent to me. of course for some $$. There´s no possibilitiy to still do this I guess? :( Michael

#108 theolodian


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 09:13 AM

SH** :( I´m too late....

As Duncan has answered to my "parts wanted" thread....
The chassis is already gone right?

I would have needed 2 small sections cut off and sent to me.
of course for some $$.

There´s no possibilitiy to still do this I guess? :(


No, it's gone. Was a little cut up anyway. ElizP sometimes has tubs (not full username).

#109 GF ORCE8


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 09:41 AM

Thx anyway chinky chinky

#110 theolodian


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Posted 15 February 2010 - 09:24 PM

OK, starting to get serious again. Got a few bits done tonight. Downpipe is on and o2 sensors wired up. Even has a new hanger, the one that always rusts out. Also did some last bits of prep for the side sills and windscreen. Side sills are done at the paint shop. Need to sort out the brake booster hose and a little bit of fibreglass repair to the rear bulkhead and it should be ready for the side sills to go back on. Also put the ABS unit back in with hard lines, and started trying to sort out the wiring at the front. That is going to take a few tries. :beat:

#111 theolodian


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Posted 16 February 2010 - 07:55 AM

I just saw me freshly painted sills. Oooooooh! That Calypso looks lovely when new, really glows! :wub: Now am I brave enough to put them on, or get some pros involved? :unsure:

#112 theolodian


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Posted 16 February 2010 - 09:33 PM

Well, I'm still excited about my sills. Now it has motivated me to touch up other bits. Therefore decided to paint the back stays for the roll hoop, etc. So I spent the evening taking apart the car instead of putting it together. :rolleyes: Big thatnks to DuncanVXR for helping scrape and paint things. Even the ABS bracket got the full treatment (the one that holds the ABS unit, not the damper mount - that was painted earlier). However, we only had black so . . . I am debating bringing the sills home and hiding them in the spare room, or going ahead and installing them. I would be gutted if they got damaged while I am away on hols. :beat: Picking up the mafiamobile tomorrow after work so not working on the VX. Could use an evening off TBH.

#113 theolodian


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Posted 17 February 2010 - 10:52 AM

A rather orange iPhone pic of the sills:

Posted Image

#114 theolodian


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Posted 18 February 2010 - 09:28 PM

OK, got the critical bits done before the weekend of doom. Steel bits now fully coated with black Hammerite and drying. I think that enough of the wiring loom is sorted out to be able to connect the last few bits and start it. It isn't 5 minutes from starting, but a lot less than 5 hours hopefully. :unsure:

#115 theolodian


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Posted 20 February 2010 - 03:11 PM

Can I just say . . . IT RUNS!!!! :jump: The Vockster just left. Imnotworthy Major faffle with 2 year old fuel that had turned into turpentine, but after adding fresh fuel, draining the lines a bunch of times, and cleaning the plugs 3 - 4 times it was all good! Yay! :jump: :jump: :jump:

#116 techieboy


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Posted 20 February 2010 - 03:16 PM

That's brilliant news, Theo. Top job. Bet you can't wait to crack on with the bodywork now? thumbsup

#117 theolodian


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Posted 20 February 2010 - 03:34 PM

That's brilliant news, Theo. Top job. Bet you can't wait to crack on with the bodywork now? thumbsup

Cheers. Yeah, but first there is all the suspension, brakes, shifter mechanism and cables, parking brake, etc. to do. But those will be done tomorrow. :P

#118 The Batman

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Posted 20 February 2010 - 04:59 PM

worlds best workshop Imnotworthy congratz on your progression! so how long until you can drive it? you say its been 2 years... was it worth it?

Edited by joe_589, 20 February 2010 - 04:59 PM.

#119 Mike (Cliffie)

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Posted 20 February 2010 - 05:03 PM

That's brilliant news, Theo. Top job. Bet you can't wait to crack on with the bodywork now? thumbsup

Can we not have the words crack and bodywork in the same sentence please.?

#120 theolodian


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Posted 20 February 2010 - 05:07 PM

Probably 3 months if I'm lucky. All the little things add up to a long time, and then there is still the crashbox to deal with. Also, need to apply for a VIN and then book the IVA. That alone is supposed to take 2 months. Cheers, yeah it has been worth it. Always wanted to build a car, and kind of fell into this opportunity so to speak.

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