A few things done:
- Touched up the paint on the windscreen surround. Err, a lot of touching up.

- Brake booster, master cylinder, clutch master, brake resevoir, bonnet catch, and ABS unit installed. I used 2 of the big silver return springs on the pedals.

Really fiddly access to some of the bolts on the master cylinders.

- Tapped the HCBs on the rear suspension. Man they were rough! Still need to do the fronts.
Except for things that depend on the crash box, the front is coming together really well. Nothing really left to do until it is time for the last touches. Also just need to do me braided brake lines and the brakes and clutch can be bled.
I'm sure that I can spend next weekend on fiddly bits, but the next big step forward will be the shifter with cables and parking brake. Then I will have a car that will completely run and drive, except for the complete lack of coolant until I do the crashbox of course.