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Ecotec Supercharger

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#341 Ricky2772


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Posted 26 April 2004 - 11:59 AM

is it a 1200 model they are using?.

it is a 1200AX , antrieb 8 5/16", RS 88mm (so it says on the checklist)

#342 speedyK


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Posted 26 April 2004 - 06:52 PM

antrieb 8 5/16"

Antrieb = drive :)

#343 Ricky2772


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Posted 20 June 2004 - 10:24 AM

soooo, I spent all saturday trying to finalize the installation of the Delta-motor kit on my speedy, by my the trusty mechanic shop.... ....a fter few hours of fiddling, we found out that the installation plate, the one that bolts on the intake mainifold and receives the charger itself, (see pic) had the 4 holes drilled wrong, with a 1,5 mm discrepancy..... :beat: :angry: :angry: :9mm: :beat: so, nothing can be done to fix it (it cannot be re-drilled) , and that means no speedy for me this weekend at the Ring.... :( :( qiuite disappointed by such manifacturing sloppiness.... I was informed that now the 2 extra injectors are better fitted ahead of the charger, by the t-body, so they vaporize fuel inside the charger, instead in the manifold... so while I get by Delta to get the correct parts, I will have'em perform the necessary modding.... the good news was that summing up all the lightened moving engine parts, it's a 3,6 kg saving..... B) B) flywheel was "only" -2,1kg, we choose to keep it a bit beefier, to ensure reliabilty and better driveability overall....... :)

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#344 Ricky2772


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Posted 20 June 2004 - 10:30 AM

rant ...another very annoying detail: when you pay big $$$ for such kits, you would expect everything working properly and all the main details sorted, NOT like this AMM connector left short and in need of extra 30cm of wiring to reach the connecting end.... :blink: ...how much does it takes really, I mean, for DELTA to provide it and not me having to call around for electricians.... rant

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#345 Ricky2772


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Posted 20 June 2004 - 10:33 AM

on top of having mismatched holes, the plate interferes with the the extra injectors mount, (the small ali bit) not ground down properly.... if I were to install it as it was, I would have ended with a cracked intake pretty soon.... :angry:

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#346 Ricky2772


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Posted 20 June 2004 - 10:39 AM

here is the forged bits, with the drilled hole in the rod, to ensure oil escape from below tthe segment and some cooling to the piston... the piston-rod combo is 45 grams lighter than the orginal set-up... pretty good for such fast-moving part!! B)

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#347 Ricky2772


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Posted 20 June 2004 - 10:40 AM

view of the rear carbon wing in place.... ;) very light, about 0,5 kg...

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#348 Ricky2772


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Posted 20 June 2004 - 10:46 AM

checking out load on different pressure p.plates....now I got one 30% stiffer, and you can feel it by hand!! :o 0,5 kg lighter as well! B) even the astra 1.7dti has a stronger p.plate, (same as VX, but with more spring load) and it is probably the cause of the VXT clutch issues...not much the clutch itself, fairly beefy, but the p.plate with too little load for those tricked-up torque monsters.... :o

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Edited by Ricky2772, 20 June 2004 - 10:47 AM.

#349 Ricky2772


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Posted 20 June 2004 - 10:49 AM

make your pick... :P from left: USA (mantapart :rolleyes: ) clutch, stock item, another syntherized racing clutch. will use the mantapart bit, needs a 1 mm machined off the overall diameter to fit perfectly....

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#350 dude


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Posted 20 June 2004 - 11:07 AM

and what have we learnt from all our annoying distributors and parts that dont fit??. If you want it done right, do it yourself. ;) :D //anders ps. still haven´t got my valvesprings :(

#351 Sicey


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Posted 20 June 2004 - 07:48 PM

Sorry you have so much crap with this Ricky, it sucks :( Was looking forward to a pass lap at the ring but guess will have to wait a little longer till your baby is back up and running. Rear spoiler looks cool, very GT ;)

#352 Ricky2772


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Posted 29 June 2004 - 09:42 PM

well, coming back from the Ring today, I stopped by Delta Motor in Switz and got all my stuff back (left it there to sort out last thursday). ... all seems fine and dandy now! B) they uploaded a new software, fixed the defective mount and hooked up all the additional wiring in its proper position ...a job I wish they would've done in the first place!! ....selling a kit with german-only instructions and all the electronic wiring to be sorted, well, it is NOT nice !! :beat: :rolleyes: dropped the stuff by the tuner and saw the engine almost fully assembled, only the head need to be bolted upon, along with the charger.... so, in about a week I should be able to finally press the starter button again, it was a long 6 month's wait....!! :o :P :drink:

Edited by Ricky2772, 29 June 2004 - 09:47 PM.

#353 BogBrush


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Posted 29 June 2004 - 10:22 PM

Your car sounds like it's going to be fantastic thumbsup I think that 6 month wait will be worth it ;)

#354 Sicey


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Posted 30 June 2004 - 01:32 PM

so, in about a week I should be able to finally press the starter button again, it was a long 6 month's wait....!! :o :P :drink:

Looking forward to your first full report Ricky thumbsup oh and a pass lap at the ring next time your over ;)

#355 Anarchy


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Posted 04 October 2004 - 08:00 PM

Just read about ten pages of this thread, do you have a supercharged Speedster now? Was it worth it?

#356 Ricky2772


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Posted 05 October 2004 - 06:35 AM

Hi anarchy, just waiting to finalize some details with the supercharger kit maker, the swiss company Delta Motor, and then I will post a full report. ;)

#357 Richiemouse


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Posted 05 October 2004 - 10:21 AM

Ricky Have they taken on board all the problems you've had and altered the kit accordingly?

#358 Ricky2772


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Posted 05 October 2004 - 10:43 AM


Have they taken on board all the problems you've had and altered the kit accordingly?

that is exactly what I am trying to understand...if they ever will respond to my explanation requests...I will wait few more days...

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