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#121 AWLangdon



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Posted 17 August 2005 - 05:07 PM

Absolutely superb service / customer care (again) from the gent who works in the 'accessories/parts' kiosk at FRF Vauxhall Swansea. He was most apologetic that the service manual he ordered on my behalf hadn't been delivered in a leather wallet as promised so used a brand new Vxl wallet from another in-house document instead. Also he had all the stuff ready as I walked in as he had seen the V-bird enter the car park, ... and only charged 5p (sic) for a spare clutch spring! I felt so guilty I bought a dispoable air freshner! Brilliant! Wayne thumbsup

#122 AWLangdon



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Posted 08 September 2005 - 01:14 PM

BHS Cheltenham Clicky

#123 steveeboy



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Posted 27 September 2005 - 03:28 PM


#124 Ratspants


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Posted 28 September 2005 - 08:25 AM

C D Bramall in Hemel Hempstead

The service was prompt and i had the car back by 10.30am. They even cleaned it! Crownhill at Milton Keynes had made a mess of one of the seals on the oil filter though from over-tightening on it's initial service when i bought it.

C D Bramall in Hemel Hempstead

4 year/40k service: £225 (oil, sparks, coolant)

Dropped the car off first thing and it was done by 10.30. They'd cleaned it again (saves me having to do it for Saturday :P) and the receptionists were helpful although their new computer system seems a bit slow and flakey.

Had popped in a few weeks before to discuss with the tech chaps about the bit Crownhill had broken, they ordered it and it was fitted as part of the service.


#125 TheHood


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Posted 20 October 2005 - 09:42 PM

"Big up" to Horizon motorsport thumbsup 3rd year service with brake fluid change £150(ish) Dunno what they did exactly, but it feels far more "together" and less crashey over bumps. I guess it's probably the first time any one has been near the suspension with a torque wrench. Going on previous experience my local Vxl dealer (Lookers) would have been half as attentive and twice the price. :angry:

#126 pumaboy33



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Posted 26 October 2005 - 08:17 AM

See my comments on Henley Heritage TVR in the forum topics. In sum : Excellent! (Never again will my VX be going to a over-priced, over-staffed, under-skilled and under-interested main dealer :saw: !!)

#127 Purebob


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Posted 16 December 2005 - 09:45 PM

Picked up my baby from this dealership for its second year service & stuff. Service was £142 plus vat. They fixed my heater knob and also a brakelight switch that I didn't even notice was faulty under warranty. I also elected to have the engine flush and brake fluid replacement. My VX has only done 16k miles but I thought its would be worthwhile. That was an extra £20. Finally there was a some bodywork adjustment needed since my car had a new front clam last year. Everything done as hoped, car came back washed and vacuumed. Bodywork is now indistinguishable from new everywhere. Lovely. BTW the brakes are TRANSFORMED !. Like applying bloody mole grips on the way home. I have TONS of bpring work to do today but I can't wait to take her for a spank ! My next service will probably be at Horizon motorsport, but I thought I'd give credit where credit is due. This was good service. thumbsupgraemlin.gif I really like this little car !

#128 DanDare


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Posted 10 January 2006 - 12:54 PM

Took my Vx220 NA to be serviced Saturday at Lookers Chester. Came out with a Corsa 1 L courtesy Car :angry: . They had a problem when changing the Oil filter as they couldn't get a seal and now say they have to order 2 new metal washers. Should be ready Today (tuesday 10th Jan). At least it will all be done under Warranty Looking in the search I see this has happened on more than one occasion. :(

#129 tucker



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Posted 18 January 2006 - 01:50 PM

Thumbs up to Drive Vauxhall in Leamington. My LY kept dropping to 750rpm shortly after setting off and only picking up after turning the ignition off and on again. The mechanic at Drive looked over the car for more than an hour and picked up other minor faults that I was aware of but couldn't determine the cause of the problem. The fault code stated throttle fault but he could find nothing wrong from the throttle pedal through to the ecu. Rather than take money from me for unnecessary work, he cleaned the throttle flap and body and suggested I see if the fault reoccurred. If so, he suggested a new throttle pedal. Charge for the time spent? £0. Needless to say it happened again within a few days. After a ridiculous 4 week wait for the part (perfecting my rolling restart procedure), the pedal has now been replaced and the problem has gone. At the same time they fitted a new coolant expansion tank which had cracked. I had asked for the part to fit myself so they didn't charge for the fitting. So, good work Drive but what are Vauxhall playing at with lead times for parts that fail within 4 years of build?

#130 Mackem


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Posted 17 February 2006 - 12:12 PM

TMS @ Milton Keynes

Had my car's 2nd service done at TMS this week with a geo set-up too.

It's been said before but I'll say it again, John's got a great set-up at Milton Keynes and the car feels so much better than before, better steering feel, more direct and even felt a bit pokier on the way home - must be the iridium spark plugs :P

Sorely tempted to get a Milltek backbox too, maybe in the next month or so B)

Cheers John thumbsup

#131 Manalive



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Posted 22 June 2006 - 08:17 PM

Had my second year service done on my VXT today at:

After poor service at Crownhill with Wayne gone, John's set-up and enthusiasm were very reassuring.
Reasonable charges and just really nice people. The place is oozing VX's and they obviously know their business. Anyone like me living within a reasonable drive's distance shouldn't consider going anywhere else - we are really fortunate.
Cheers John & team!

#132 red dragon

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Posted 11 August 2006 - 08:17 AM

TMS, Milton Keynes........ You know when you find something good, like a great piece of road, and you want to tell everyone about it, but also want to keep it just to yourself, to save it from getting too busy, so you can always use it yourself, with ease........ that's how I feel about TMS. John has got it right, good premises, everything open, great team of staff and the fact that he treats you as he would want to be treated, himself, makes TMS the place to go. Certainly worth the blast from Lincolnshire for the Service and Warranty work (John has a very sensible attitude towards this), and while you wait, a visit to the City Centre especially on a Summer's Day, for incredible 'Eye Candy'. Thanks John, for the work done.

#133 jimgraham


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Posted 26 October 2007 - 01:07 PM

Big thumbs up for the servicing end of Evans Halshawl in Worfield (west midlands between wolverhampton and bridgenorth). 140 notes for a first service and all done in a couple of hours. I addition i asked them to check the alignment (£35 charge) but they came back to me when i picked th car up and said that they had checked the suspension and tyre pressures, sorted the pressures out and it dorve fine so no need and didn't charge me for that bit. Awesome service from some really nice guys. The mechanic used to own one himself and loves the cars. Couldnt rate them highly enough! chinky chinky Jim

Edited by jimgraham, 26 October 2007 - 01:08 PM.

#134 theotherjonnymac


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Posted 18 August 2008 - 07:23 PM

C D Bramall in Hemel Hempstead

The service was prompt and i had the car back by 10.30am. They even cleaned it! Crownhill at Milton Keynes had made a mess of one of the seals on the oil filter though from over-tightening on it's initial service when i bought it.

C D Bramall in Hemel Hempstead

4 year/40k service: £225 (oil, sparks, coolant)

Dropped the car off first thing and it was done by 10.30. They'd cleaned it again (saves me having to do it for Saturday :P) and the receptionists were helpful although their new computer system seems a bit slow and flakey.

Had popped in a few weeks before to discuss with the tech chaps about the bit Crownhill had broken, they ordered it and it was fitted as part of the service.


Bramall at Hemel have a VX specialist mechanic who knows his stuff. I took mine there for a squeaking noise and he knew exactly what it was and spent 10 mins having a look. I always go to TMS but Bramall is tempting as it is a 15 min walk from home!

#135 boghouse


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Posted 10 September 2008 - 10:34 AM

Got my car back yersterday after 4 yr service at Phoenix Motorsport in Accrington. Ollie also found a splitting engine mount (replaced); rebalanced all 4 wheel/tyres; realigned my front clam (after RAC windscreen guy forgot to shim it up properly!!) and fitted a decent wiper blade :lol: ....they even washed the car ready for me collecting :groupjump: Top service as usual....and now I just need to get the the Tubby to handle like Olllies S1 Elise!!!!! Imnotworthy Imnotworthy

#136 BAZ8465


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Posted 02 March 2009 - 06:53 PM

Just had my 12 month service ( and MOT ) done here. TrackVRoad www.trackvroad.co.uk contact Richard Turned up to a clean workshop with 8 TVR's a couple of 111R Lotus's and S1 and S2 to boot. As our cars dont have the same A,B and C services as Lotus's do - He spent time checking through the hand book to see what had been done on prevous services. Ran me through what they were going to do and I left them to it. Got the car back ( including a good Valet ) + it sailed through it's MOT and all for less than £200.. Really impressed with the work and the guys there - They really take care of you and your car and even though my little VX was the cheapest car there by a mile I did not feel like it!!

#137 silver bullet

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Posted 16 April 2009 - 05:55 PM

please add your mechanical service recommendations to this thread...keep them all in one place and easy to find.

thank you very much.

Thorney are super helpful @ 5.15 tonight Adam one of their technicians took the trouble to look at my rather damp NA and use the diagnostic tool to reassure me all was well for Car Limits day next Monday.

#138 zen



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Posted 19 April 2009 - 07:26 PM


Good service and advice, reasonable cost, would definitely use again.

#139 Uzi Lover

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Posted 11 August 2009 - 05:28 PM

Can anyone recommend somewhere in Essex? Will be for a service on my VXT at around 60k mileage which is due. Have looked through this topic and all suggestions seem to be outside...maybe theres a reason for that ;)

#140 EssexVX



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Posted 11 August 2009 - 05:50 PM

Can anyone recommend somewhere in Essex? Will be for a service on my VXT at around 60k mileage which is due.

Have looked through this topic and all suggestions seem to be outside...maybe theres a reason for that ;)

There is Sinclaires in Romford who are mainly Lotus specialists. They did a great job on repairing my front clam and spraying it.
Was thinking about getting mine serviced there aswell soon, though have not had any experience with them other than their bodyshop and an MOT there.

Sure they would do a good job servicing a VX as they're always doing Elises. thumbsup

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