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Bleeding Brakes - Simple Question

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#1 techieboy


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Posted 12 August 2009 - 04:26 PM

I need to change my pads and fluid for a trackday on Monday. To save me removing a wheel, does anybody know what size (ID) of tube I need to fit on to the bleed nipples. I'd like to try and grab some clear tube so that I can see what's coming out. chinky chinky

Edited by techieboy, 12 August 2009 - 04:26 PM.

#2 starlight


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Posted 12 August 2009 - 04:50 PM

Think it is ~5mm :unsure: I know it's the larger of the two sizes available for windscreen washer jets...

#3 Duncan VXR

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Posted 12 August 2009 - 05:15 PM

5mm ;) or if you use some silicon 3mm is fine - enjoy! Reminds me to do mine before staurday pending it all been back and sorted (bit of a theme with my events lol) DG

#4 techieboy


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Posted 12 August 2009 - 06:44 PM

Thanks chaps. Suitably armed with with a couple of different sizes from B&Q. thumbsup

#5 Anarchy


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Posted 12 August 2009 - 07:24 PM

How are you planning to do it, just pump each corner till it runs clean constantly topping up? Any particular sequence?

#6 techieboy


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Posted 12 August 2009 - 07:58 PM

I've got a pressure bleeder, so hoping most of it will be relatively straightforward. Usual thing, with the furthest bleed point first and work forward. Will probably also bleed the clutch as well. I don't think I really need to do it but it's been over 8 months and a few trackdays and I've got to replace the pads and fit new rear discs, so might as well. I've noticed the fluid level warning light flickering a few times recently so although new pads would raise the level again, it makes sense to do it it one hit.

#7 oakmere


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Posted 13 August 2009 - 11:51 AM

I've got a pressure bleeder, so hoping most of it will be relatively straightforward. Usual thing, with the furthest bleed point first and work forward. Will probably also bleed the clutch as well.

I don't think I really need to do it but it's been over 8 months and a few trackdays and I've got to replace the pads and fit new rear discs, so might as well. I've noticed the fluid level warning light flickering a few times recently so although new pads would raise the level again, it makes sense to do it it one hit.

Didn't think you should force the fluid back into the reservoir when fitting new pads as it can invert seals in the system but I could be talking rubbish.


#8 siztenboots



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Posted 13 August 2009 - 01:09 PM

Techie, if you want a hand let me know.

#9 techieboy


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Posted 13 August 2009 - 07:10 PM

Techie, if you want a hand let me know.

Thanks Mr STB. If you see me in the paddock at Bedford on Monday morning, frantically removing my wheels, you can probably assume things didn't go to well at which point, any help you can offer would be appreciated. thumbsup

#10 techieboy


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Posted 16 August 2009 - 11:11 AM

Well, that wasn't as easy as planned. The pressure bleeder decided to play silly buggers half way through and injected more air into the system than fluid at one point because of a pinched O-ring. Got around with a quick visit to Homebase for a variety pack of standard O rings which seemed to sort it. Got my new Pagid's out of the bubble wrap they came in yesterday, only to find the fronts were the wrong pads!!! Might possibly have been for a 4-pot equipped VX - dunno. Cue frantic phone calls to anywhere open on a Saturday that might have suitable pads. Ended up driving up to Northampton to pick up some new compound Yellow Stuff pads. Damn Elise Parts for not being open on a Saturday. :( So I'm temporarily running Yellow Stuff all round. Will see how they work shortly when I go out to bed them in and get the release compound off the new rear R888's. Could be interesting.....:wacko:

#11 VIX


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Posted 16 August 2009 - 11:21 AM

So I'm temporarily running Yellow Stuff all round. Will see how they work shortly when I go out to bed them in and get the release compound off the new rear R888's. Could be interesting.....:wacko:

Good luck matey! :o :unsure:

PS Have you tried Green Stuff? Apparently they're quite good! ;)

#12 techieboy


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Posted 16 August 2009 - 11:25 AM

PS Have you tried Green Stuff? Apparently they're quite good! ;)

Funnily enough, yes. The car came with them fitted and I can confirm that they were particularly sh!te. :D

#13 VIX


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Posted 16 August 2009 - 12:07 PM

thumbsup :lol:

#14 Sticky


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Posted 16 August 2009 - 01:00 PM

Euro Carparts now supply Pagids and according to the guy in their Swindon branch they are the exclusive UK stockist. He wasn't sure if they could supply the whole range which made me think that he wasn't telling the full story.

#15 techieboy


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Posted 16 August 2009 - 01:12 PM

Damn. That would have been handy to know yesterday, assuming of course, they can do proper Pagids. Ah well, good to know for the future although I suspect they won't have them on the shelf.

#16 techieboy


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Posted 17 August 2009 - 08:17 PM

PS Have you tried Green Stuff? Apparently they're quite good! ;)

Funnily enough, yes. The car came with them fitted and I can confirm that they were particularly sh!te. :D

I can now also confirm that Yellow Stuff are sh!te as well. Certainly not as sh!te as Green Stuff but most definitely not good enough for use on a high speed track. New set of Pagids on their way now......

#17 mandarinvx


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Posted 17 August 2009 - 08:24 PM

I can now also confirm that Yellow Stuff are sh!te as well. Certainly not as sh!te as Green Stuff but most definitely not good enough for use on a high speed track. New set of Pagids on their way now......

What you planning on doing with the 'nearly new' yellows :unsure: :poke: :lol:

#18 techieboy


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Posted 17 August 2009 - 08:43 PM

They will be rapidly heading for the Great Brake Pad Rest Home in the Sky aka my bin. I think I'd have been better off with the remnants of the front Pagid's at Bedford today. :(

#19 oakmere


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Posted 18 August 2009 - 12:40 PM

They will be rapidly heading for the Great Brake Pad Rest Home in the Sky aka my bin.

I think I'd have been better off with the remnants of the front Pagid's at Bedford today. :(

Techie which compound did you get I have got the 1793 formulation not the 1846 formulation and have found them good FOR ROAD USE.

Cheers Oakmere

#20 alanoo


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Posted 18 August 2009 - 12:49 PM

yellow's are fine with road tires, but I doubt they are good enough to work well with 888/A048 but a decent road/trackday pad for classic tires

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