The date is 29th November and you can click here to book

Again, for those that dont know, the activity days are run by Carlimits ( and it involves a number of activites throughout the day. First of all there is a high speed bend and then two seperate circuits are set up to have a play on.
This video by someone on SELOC shows the activities quite well

This is the thread from the last VX220 activity day organised by Siztenboots

Here is the list from the other thread.
1. Robna -
2. Snoop - Booked and paid
3. Joe_589 -
4. TIP -
5. Southpaw -
6. Stuart - Provisionally booked
7. framauro -
8. Styles -
9. rsg -
10. rossma -
11. Sicey -
12. JG -
13. Dave -
14. M3KDJ - Booked and paid
Any questions fire away
