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Big Power Vxt Project

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#4721 sford


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Posted 05 June 2020 - 03:57 PM


Isn't the risk with the system getting air in the pump part which you can then purge by activating the abs?  Alternatively, if you have the 2 channel version you can turn the pump on in opcom to purge it.


From what I've read, yep.


The problem is with so much rubber on my car, if the ABS is initially full of air, it might be the case that I can't deliberately trigger the ABS (unless I was on snow or lots of gravel).


The alternative of driving (with already bad brakes) to a Lotus place to get the the ABS unit purged sounds worrying. I only have 1 lotus place near me in Bristol and when I rang them, they said they dont work on VX220.



I imagine you got a front of house, computer says no type person. Take a drive there and ask them some in the back office if they have the tool. I imagine they will. 

#4722 joshua



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Posted 05 June 2020 - 05:36 PM

Hello Nev - I’ve used a pressure bleed kit with my VX on a virtually dry circuit several times and not had any trouble with air in the ABS. I had more trouble with air stuck in the callipers.

#4723 Nev


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Posted 05 June 2020 - 06:10 PM

Ok guys, thanks for the input.


I will use Arno's sensible suggestion as a pre-emptive effort to purge the air. Fingers crossed.

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