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Big Power Vxt Project

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#21 jonnyboy


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Posted 29 November 2009 - 07:41 PM

Interesting project from a technical aspect I wish I had your technical know how! The use of the thing when its done is another thing I guess lol Dry track use only surely? Best of luck anyhow and you are quite mad!

#22 zletcorsab



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Posted 29 November 2009 - 08:05 PM

Great blog mate. Good luck with the project, will be attempting sonething similar with our zlet soon :D Looking forward to seeing how you get on thumbsup

#23 Nev


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Posted 01 December 2009 - 09:20 PM

Update 10 now released: HERE

#24 Zoobeef


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Posted 01 December 2009 - 09:26 PM

Just read it befor you posted this haha. Your projects in my favourites. The parts and cost link is playing silly buggers though

#25 cheeky_chops


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Posted 01 December 2009 - 11:28 PM

fantastic Nev - think even i could follow that as a guide thumbsup One point, can you date each page and put time spent?? Give people a good idea on their rebuilds :)

#26 Nev


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Posted 02 December 2009 - 05:59 PM

Good idea Cheeky, will do. I would like the guide to be as easy to follow as possible so if others have any suggestions, please fire away... The parts list should be stable now, as I was most probably updating it when you tried to look at it Mark.

Edited by Nev, 02 December 2009 - 06:00 PM.

#27 Nev


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Posted 03 December 2009 - 09:26 PM

The block is finally fully stripped and I've just done another update with quite a few pics if anyone is interested HERE

#28 cheeky_chops


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Posted 03 December 2009 - 09:51 PM

good work Nev thumbsup

the parts list shows

"We're sorry.
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#29 Duncan VXR

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Posted 04 December 2009 - 07:43 AM

Good update Nev ;) Well that was the cheap bit done :o Keep up the good work ;) DG

#30 Nev


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Posted 04 December 2009 - 03:55 PM

You are dead right Duncan, I've only done the cheap bit so far. Once I have cleaned the block up and painted it (chavvy red I think!) this weekend, it will be time to bite the bullet and start buying stupidly expensive parts. Also I will need to decide which aspects of the build to skimp on :o Can someone tell me if they can now see the spreadsheet now in the Parts and Costs section please?

Edited by Nev, 04 December 2009 - 04:11 PM.

#31 cnrandall


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Posted 04 December 2009 - 04:07 PM

Good progress mate. Those bonded in bearing caps are a right git to remove aren't they!

#32 VXT Tim


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Posted 04 December 2009 - 04:40 PM

Can someone tell me if they can now see the spreadsheet now in the Parts and Costs section please?

I've never been able to see it Nev! Still can't.

Edited by VXT Tim, 04 December 2009 - 04:40 PM.

#33 The Fat Man

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Posted 04 December 2009 - 06:37 PM

No problem viewing the spreadsheet here, Best of luck and hope you enjoy the process thumbsup

#34 jaylin


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Posted 04 December 2009 - 10:03 PM

Spread sheet OK here thumbsup and interesting. Great blog Nev... Only one problem, I always said I was happy with 302+bhp and 358lbf but you aren't helping my cause. :) Good luck with project, will be following with interest.

#35 VXT Tim


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Posted 04 December 2009 - 10:20 PM

Working now, quite a shopping list!

#36 Nev


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Posted 05 December 2009 - 10:41 AM

Cool, am off to the garage now to do my next list of jobs: 1/ Get the woodruff key out of the crank end, lift the oil pump off, and then inspect the oil pump to see if it need replacing. 2/ Borrow a jet wash and clean the sumps and block an maybe the head. 3/ Strip the vavle springs out of the head (just bought a spring removal tool this morning). Pip pip. :)

#37 cnrandall


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Posted 05 December 2009 - 11:19 AM

Just been flicking through your spreadsheet... few questions... Do you think maybe you would be better going for a decent external waste gate, there may be more gains here than from flowing your cylinder head and will give you better control which is everything on a turbo engine. Why do you feel the need to instal oil squirters? The reason they are installed on the LEH engines is because they need to run REALLY lean in stock form to meet emissions and you won't have this problem. Besides, if you go for rods with cosworth style grooves you can get oil sprayed under the piston crown that way which is easier, more elegant solution. Why are you dropping the compression ratio? We used to use the RC injectors on the SC Honda's and found they would struggle to meet MOT's. Now we use Siemens Deka ones and they are better all round IMHO. Interesting your mod to the waterways. One of the things I'll being looking at on stripping my engine over winter will be any deformation in the block.

#38 zaff


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Posted 05 December 2009 - 12:41 PM

The amounts in that spreadsheet dont seem that much until you see the total and think, bloody hell! Hope it works out for you. I dont think I would risk doing it myself but I am very interested in watching your progress thanks for the info.

#39 Nev


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Posted 05 December 2009 - 02:27 PM

Hi Chris, Thanks for your input, this site is great for getting more ideas and a balanced view on whether things are worht it or not. 1: I have thought about a decent big external wastegate, but was not sure how effectively it would help smooth the torque peak. Initially I had budgetted for external, but the parts cost more than having an internal wastegate and there is also the knock on effect of a more complex exhaust manifold and extra downpipe. However, I know Stephan has external and if you also think it a good idea, maybe I should configure and budget for external. 2: I have inspected the cylinder head exhaust ports this morning (after stripping their valves) and can see where it would be easy to improve flow with some simple grinding. As you will see from my blog when i update it the exhaust ports are quite badly carboned up also. I am tempted to try some simple porting myself and save myself 600 quid and install OEM exhuast valves and leave the current inlet valves as they all look fine. 3: As for oil squirters, I was already thinking of not bothering with them. Good to hear your explanation of why Vauxhall installed them in the first place, as this gives me more confidence in ignoreing putting them in. As I expect you their installation requires VERY careful drilling under the main cap bolts which terrifies me - one slip with the drill bit and I'd need a new block ! 4: I am dropping the compression ratio because of the intention to run upto 30 PSI of boost to get the most out of the turbo and get the most power. Looking at generic static + boost graphs a compression ratio of approx 7.5 would be approx optimal for max power at max boost. Dropping from OEM 8.8:1 to 8.0 seems a fair compromise to me. Whats your opinion ? I think Courtenays drop to 8.0:1 for big power builds. 5: Will look into the Siemens Deka injectors, need to be sure they will fit oem fuel rail physically to minimise hassle.

Edited by Nev, 05 December 2009 - 02:30 PM.

#40 cnrandall


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Posted 05 December 2009 - 03:24 PM

1) The reason I say external is for good control. In my experience, making a fast, reliable turbo car is all about control and drivability so anything that's an aid to that is a priority. 2) Cool 3) I'm with you on being cautious of the machining on the caps. If you already have the rods you could nip them over to Hofmann's and we can machine some grooves in them. 4) I decided to leave the compression ratio on mine stock so as not to hurt the throttle response. Obviously det is your biggest worry, but heat is a bigger enemy than compression ratio, at least for track use. I have had det creep in at times and we have active knock control to counter that but when we have good fuel and cool intake charge it vanishes. Have you seen the new Cosworth pistons (a name that you can trust!)... I think they put it at 8.5:1. That's lots of boost you're running!! 5) The Siemens injectors drop right in :-) You must be getting excited about all this now... I'm getting excited just following this build! Mine is on the dyno again next week @ TDI fitting the new DBW controller and testing some things, you're welcome to pop over and see it running and talk to Sam and I about our experiences of the ZLET if you fancy it?

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