Decided to fit my own DIY EGR blanking plate today on my Ford Focus 1.5 TDCI. Looking on the internet I couldn't find any useful info on the newer 1.5 engine, though there was plenty on the 1.6 engine which is much more ubiquitous (but uses a different EGR parts). Anyway, I just stuck my head under the bonnet and worked it out as I went along. After taking the EGR pipe out, I cut and shaped my own 1.5mm stainless steel blanking plate and placed it post EGR valve.
Seeing all this sooty tar being pumped into the inlet of my engine for the last 84,000 miles makes me shake my head in disbelief. Anyway, it's all blocked up now, so it can only swallow clean air. I've been for a test run for about 15 miles and took it though various styles of driving and no lights or warnings came on. Turbo response is noticeably better, pulling away in 1st gear is less likely to stall and I didn't detect any of those dead spots that I used to get intermittently in all gears. All in all a good mod which will certainly improve engine longevity (a lot I think!) and drivability.
If I'm lucky this engine will keep plodding for 250,000 miles now.

Edited by Nev, 12 October 2019 - 02:50 PM.