Bought a new master cylinder today. Looks dead easy to fit (easiest job on a VX?!), my worry however is purging the air out of the ABS unit, as I've heard it traps it.
You can work around that..
Before you start the job, pull the brake pads from the calipers and fit some thin (ply)wood in it's place that's about the thickness of a worn pad. Pump the brake pedal to extend the pistons fully.
Now change the brake MC. Either bench-bleed it or do it in the car buy running hoses/pipes from the MC outlet back to the reservoir and pumping it until there's no bubbles coming out anymore.
Your MC should now be totally full and free of air. Suck some of the fluid from the reservoir to bring the level down.
Re-connect the brake lines to the ABS unit (messy! cue brake fluid dripping out and manic re-fitting..
) and tighten up the connections.
Now go around the car and press the caliper pistons back. This will force fluid back up the system and will take any remaining bubbles in the MC to ABS connection back up to the MC and out to the reservoir. Bascially use the calipers as small reservoirs of fluid to back-flush.
Refit pads, pump the brakes. If nice and solid, feel free to do a flush of the system to get nice fresh fluid out to the calipers too and go out for a drive! 
This way you should have only a very, very tiny chance of any air getting into the ABS hydraulic block.
Bye, Arno.