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Big Power Vxt Project

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#901 techieboy


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 07:30 PM

I have one of these


It is really good! Borrow mine or buy one thumbsup :rolleyes:

Cheaper at Maplins, if you have one close to you.

It's probably quieter than you imagine, in reality. I know mine sounds stupidly loud to me in the car but, it weighs in at 101/102/103dB at full chat on track (although that's still too loud).

#902 techieboy


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 07:37 PM

Might be worth "hiring" Book-a-Tracks noise meter. Looking at the specs of the one above, it's not exactly accurate so you might not want to rely on the number it produces and merrily book a trackday based on it's results.

#903 Nev


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 07:54 PM

Do any of you chaps at the Midlands meet happen to have enough track/noise experience to know if Nipper would pass a 105 dB drive by limit when I'm giving it full beans ?

I have one of these


It is really good! Borrow mine or buy one thumbsup :rolleyes:

Oooh, that looks useful. Are you any where near Bristol so I could pick it up one day please ?

#904 Nev


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 08:00 PM

Thanks for the xtra posts Techie, you are right about the accuracy issue. Surely how close you drive to the meter is going to severly affect it's reading a 'pass by'? How far away are the meters from where the cars pass ?

#905 techieboy


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 08:47 PM

And there be the problem. I'm not sure there is actually a "standard" for drive-by's. The Bedford Autodrome reading is meant to be taken at 20m and the meter's are sited at points on the track where you're naturally fully on the throttle and will be at high rpm or just where you'd change down in a braking zone. To compound that, at least two of the meters are closer than that, if you're on anything vaguely like the "line". Donington's drive-by noise meter is much closer and sited above the track. If you stay as far away as possible from it, I guess it's something like 8-10m and they operate a 98dB limit on a normal day. Not been static tested there but got black flagged earlier in the year by falling foul of it. Goodwood, another tight one, breaks it down for their two types of trackday as: "Category 2 Days” – (normally up to 5 cars on the circuit at any one time) : Maximum 105 dB at half metre from the exhaust and three-quarters maximum revs static test and 101 dB drive-by at approximately 10m on-track. “Category 3 Days” – (normally up to 10 cars on the circuit at any one time) : Maximum 98 dB at half metre from the exhaust and three-quarters maximum revs static test and 96 dB drive-by at approximately 10m on-track. Castle Combe, again a strict one, say 100dB Static at 0.5m and 45° from exhaust at ¾ maximum RPM and also have a 94dB Drive-By, measured from track-side. Mostly a pretty wide circuit there, so depending on where the meter is sited, it's probably 10m+. Combe is a nightmare though as the scrutineering bay where they measure it, is surrounded by buildings/garages so might amplify things. I've probably heard of more people having problems there, than at Bedford! Llandow might be a local'ish option for you. They do have a limit there but the two times I've been, they've been more than a little relaxed about whatever that limit is. Motorsport Events' airfield days (three or four in the West country) have a 100dB static limit but I don't think they have a drive-by limit - I've not seen one enforced and there have been some properly noisy cars on a couple of their days that I did. They might be a possibility for you although if you're unsure, maybe worth dropping Ed Moore an email and seeing what he advises. The whole bloody subject is a minefield. The readings can seemingly be affected by weather conditions as well, just to really throw a spanner in the works. I've been measured with massively different readings 3 days and about 20 miles apart. :angry: It's only ever going to get worse as more NIMBY's start whingeing about the fact they've just bought a house next to a nasty, noisy circuit. :beat:

#906 Nev


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 10:14 PM

Hmmm, what a minefield of confusion. Seems simpler to just go out on a suitable road on a Sat or Sun morning at 6.00 am for a good blast. At least there is only one rule you can break on the road - the speed limit. Where as on track you could fail on at least 3 rules (static noise test, drive by noise, overtaking without indication), AND you have to pay thought the nose for it AND it might rain on the day and ruin it AND you have the faff of driving all the way there.

Edited by Nev, 07 November 2011 - 10:16 PM.

#907 Sticky


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 10:27 PM

Where as on track you could fail on at least 3 rules (static noise test, drive by noise, overtaking without indication), AND you have to pay thought the nose for it AND it might rain on the day and ruin it AND you have the faff of driving all the way there.

Not looking too keen on TDs there NevPosted Image

#908 Nev


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 10:30 PM

Too many bloody laws and H&S and crap stop anyone from having a good time these days. I'd like to try some track days for sure, but they make it SO fcking hard. I think I should go live in America, much much easier and cheaper to run a fast car there.

#909 GeorgeBC


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 10:30 PM

Hmmm, what a minefield of confusion.

Seems simpler to just go out on a suitable road on a Sat or Sun morning at 6.00 am for a good blast. At least there is only one rule you can break on the road - the speed limit. Where as on track you could fail on at least 3 rules (static noise test, drive by noise, overtaking without indication), AND you have to pay thought the nose for it AND it might rain on the day and ruin it AND you have the faff of driving all the way there.

No run off and on coming traffic mixed in with the pot holes. Never mind no marshalls about if the worst happens.

#910 Nev


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 10:33 PM

Hmmm, what a minefield of confusion.

Seems simpler to just go out on a suitable road on a Sat or Sun morning at 6.00 am for a good blast. At least there is only one rule you can break on the road - the speed limit. Where as on track you could fail on at least 3 rules (static noise test, drive by noise, overtaking without indication), AND you have to pay thought the nose for it AND it might rain on the day and ruin it AND you have the faff of driving all the way there.

No run off and on coming traffic mixed in with the pot holes. Never mind no marshalls about if the worst happens.


#911 Korkey



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Posted 08 November 2011 - 08:49 AM

Nev..........forget all this UK rubbish. Come to Guadix in Spain with me and a bunch of others. It is an amazing drive just to get there. No noise limits, an amazing technical and high powerd track and Spanish weather! Clive the track owner is always there and will help out with anything that you want to know etc. Such a friendly chap. He even let me thrash his Lotus as hard as I could over 40 laps for 20 Euros this year including the petrol. What a guy. I stopped racing at UK tracks some years back because of all the things that are are no longer fun with the UK. I am so glad that I will no longer be interested when electric car racing comes along, mmmmmmmmmm!.........Not long now. Korkey.

#912 siztenboots



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Posted 08 November 2011 - 10:15 AM

Nev..........forget all this UK rubbish.

Come to Guadix in Spain with me and a bunch of others. It is an amazing drive just to get there.

thats a long trip, are you taking ferry to spain or driving down all the way?

#913 Nev


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 05:59 PM

Nev..........forget all this UK rubbish.

Come to Guadix in Spain with me and a bunch of others. It is an amazing drive just to get there.

No noise limits, an amazing technical and high powerd track and Spanish weather!
Clive the track owner is always there and will help out with anything that you want to know etc. Such a friendly chap.
He even let me thrash his Lotus as hard as I could over 40 laps for 20 Euros this year including the petrol. What a guy.

I stopped racing at UK tracks some years back because of all the things that are are no longer fun with the UK.

I am so glad that I will no longer be interested when electric car racing comes along, mmmmmmmmmm!.........Not long now.


Only a 2600 mile round trip ;)

If I were a rich man with no job I'd do it !

#914 Nev


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 06:52 PM

My 3.5 inch alu pipe arrives in the port today, it looks quite large (last pic on the page)!

#915 Korkey



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Posted 08 November 2011 - 07:36 PM

Hello sizten56htae..........cat walked over the the key pad.......siztenboots. We catch the ferry to Santander then drive the rest of the way and also then through the country on down to the coast, Lloret type area. Staying at good hotels along the way. We cover about 2500 miles. The track is a blast. I have driven it in my Tusacn, Sagaris and a few others also. Looking forward to getting the VX there. Very little sticks to the road quite like these VX cars. Come along! Korkey.

#916 Nev


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Posted 09 November 2011 - 09:29 AM

Hello sizten56htae..........cat walked over the the key pad.......siztenboots.

We catch the ferry to Santander then drive the rest of the way and also then through the country on down to the coast, Lloret type area.
Staying at good hotels along the way. We cover about 2500 miles.

The track is a blast. I have driven it in my Tusacn, Sagaris and a few others also. Looking forward to getting the VX there.
Very little sticks to the road quite like these VX cars.

Come along!


Is that roughly a week trip? Sounds wonderful, all the sun and big open country roads. I couldn't really justify the expense this year though. Also, I'd be tempted to take all my rock-climbing kit and start climbing on all theose lovely rosy pink limstone crags they have there.

Have you acutally fixed a date yet? And how many are going?And do the Spanish sell 99 octane ?!

Edited by Nev, 09 November 2011 - 09:29 AM.

#917 siztenboots



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Posted 09 November 2011 - 10:15 AM

I'd be tempted to fly out, I think the VX has had enough tours+trackdays this year (Snetterton, Spa,Scotland,Monaco,Anglesey,Le Mans) When are the dates?

#918 Korkey



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Posted 09 November 2011 - 04:47 PM

Driveespana.com Run by Jasper Gilder. Nothing to do with me. But he is a top bloke. Has to be, he drives a Sagaris. And as a bonus looks just like "Swiss Tony"......hence he is called Swiss It is April 11th through 22nd next year and costs £2800/ car for 2 people ALL in !!!!!!!! Most cars have male with female, so a good mix. And the evenings are a good social get together. The hotels are all old castles or religious places etc. He also does a lot of other trips........you can see them on his site. The racing is as you make it. But John, even older than me, and another Sagaris driver, is an ex kart racer and team owner and is still *ukin fast! Next year I will do the trip above and the one in Sept/Oct. Not sure how many going, but all TVR except me........expect about 12 + cars. Yes to 99 octane. Spain has the most fantastic roads, very smooth and splendid mountains to drive up into and very little traffic. Korkey.

#919 rcvaughan



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Posted 10 November 2011 - 05:04 AM

I think I should go live in America, much much easier and cheaper to run a fast car there.

But it wouldn't be your VX! Not for any longer than a year :(

#920 Nev


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Posted 10 November 2011 - 12:19 PM

I think I should go live in America, much much easier and cheaper to run a fast car there.

But it wouldn't be your VX! Not for any longer than a year :(

I think if I went to America (which I won't), I'd sell Nipper and buy an Ultima GTR rolling chassis and fit a 800'ish BHP supercharged Chevrolet V8 in it. However, Im too lazy and poor to move there :closedeyes:

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