Just went out early this morning in the car to test for the suspected boost leak from my new pipework and had an eye opening drive.
Whatever I have done has changed the way the car picks up and delivers power quite considerably. The drivability was noticably improved/smoother and power was certainly up (partly cos of the cold air) - goodness knows by how much, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was making 530 BHP or 550 even. At one point I booted it in 3rd gear and the front of the car lightened off so much it felt like the front wheels were coming off the tarmac. I backed off the accelerator in a panic as this hasn't happened before and was unexpected. Would love to take it back to CS and get it re-dynoed briefly just to see what proven difference this mod has made, sadly however they are far too far away.
As for the suspected boost leak, I think the squeeking noise is just coming from the compressed air squirreling its way down my cobbled together 'bits and bobs' boost pipe which has lots of joiners and sticking out edges that will cause turbulence (and noise). I should really get my local fabrication man to come round and build a hard pipe to replace it and smooth the air flow more, this would likely stop the noise.
Am off mountain biking now, but can't wait to get back tonight to give it another blatt when I go down to meet some car nut friends. Honestly, the experience is addictive. Anyone sitting on the fence about whether they should go for big power in their VX should commit if they can afford it - it really transforms the car into a viceral experience. I'd be more than happy to build them up a suitable engine too as I'm bored without much left to do on Nipper.
Edited by Nev, 14 October 2012 - 08:13 AM.