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Big Power Vxt Project

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#1541 Nev


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Posted 02 February 2013 - 04:24 PM

By PCV, do you mean the cam cover vent? If so, yes I inspected it, it had a small amount of mayo (nothing much) but was letting out a bit of positive pressure (not much) at idle to 2000 RPM.

Edited by Nev, 02 February 2013 - 04:27 PM.

#1542 siztenboots



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Posted 02 February 2013 - 04:26 PM

the pipe coming up from the sump beside the turbo , then a 90' hose to the cam cover. would either breathe backwards from the camcover , or up from the sump.

#1543 Nev


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Posted 02 February 2013 - 04:28 PM

I might disconnect the top 90 degree elbow of it and put my hand over it and see how much air is being blown up, though I'd imagine it's the same as the cam cover breather.

Edited by Nev, 02 February 2013 - 04:31 PM.

#1544 steveboyslim



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Posted 02 February 2013 - 05:35 PM

Oh dear, bad news today.

I fitted the turbo oil pressure restrictor, started the car up and the smoke resumed once the car warmed up thus indicating it is not the turbo seals failing. Also, i inspected the turbo oil gravity drain and this is not kinked (as I had previous thought it might be) and should be flowing nicely.

Smoke is coming out of the exhaust and billowing out from the engine bay/block itself I think, though it is almost impossible to isoloate where exactly. Additionally, a puddle of oil appeared under the sump. I inspected where this was coming from and it was squeezing out of the lower sump gasket. The sump bolts are tight, so maybe the bottom half of the engine is in positive pressure, causing the oil to squirt out.

I have checked the water in the header tank and that has correct level of water and no oil/mayonaise in it. I also inspected the gauze of the cam cover breather. This had a small amount of mayonaise on it, but was breathing out a bit whilst the car idled, thus also indicating possible positive crank/cam case pressure :(

Thus, my suspicions are now either HGF or piston ring failure; hopefully the former (as it's not an engine out job). I think I have a compression tester somewhere in the garage, but couldn't face digging it out and using it. *sob*

Maybe if I am really lucky it might just be a few head stud nuts have comes lose. One strange thing (which might be a clue to some boffin on here), is that there is no smoke at all for the first 2 or 3 minutes whilst the engine is cold, i.e. the smoke only starts once it warms up a bit. Also, I think the problem has been progressively getting worse over time (maybe the last 500 miles), rather than being a sudden issue.

If it turns out to be the head gasket I now have some Cometic gaskets which are know their 'HP' version which is a three layered gasket which has loose fire rings which are three though thicker than the surrounding shim, which will give a high pressure contact point on each cylinder, giving a much better seal.


#1545 Nev


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Posted 02 February 2013 - 07:59 PM

Thanks Steve. Lets see if I'm motivated enough to do a dry and wet compression test tomorrow. Also, if I take the clam off I might be better able to see where all the gas/smoke is coming from.

Edited by Nev, 02 February 2013 - 08:13 PM.

#1546 cnrandall


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Posted 02 February 2013 - 08:18 PM

Suggest a leak down test alongside compression... it will tell you far more about the state of your oil control rings. If you are loosing oil then you really need to deal with this leak first, get rid of those curve balls. You won't have a loose head stud, that just doesn't happen!!

#1547 MrSimba


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Posted 02 February 2013 - 08:59 PM

Oh dear, bad news today.

Hope its quickly diagnosed & easy to fix Nev :)


#1548 completechip



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Posted 02 February 2013 - 09:02 PM

Oh dear, bad news today.

I fitted the turbo oil pressure restrictor, started the car up and the smoke resumed once the car warmed up thus indicating it is not the turbo seals failing. Also, i inspected the turbo oil gravity drain and this is not kinked (as I had previous thought it might be) and should be flowing nicely.

Smoke is coming out of the exhaust and billowing out from the engine bay/block itself I think, though it is almost impossible to isoloate where exactly. Additionally, a puddle of oil appeared under the sump. I inspected where this was coming from and it was squeezing out of the lower sump gasket. The sump bolts are tight, so maybe the bottom half of the engine is in positive pressure, causing the oil to squirt out.

I have checked the water in the header tank and that has correct level of water and no oil/mayonaise in it. I also inspected the gauze of the cam cover breather. This had a small amount of mayonaise on it, but was breathing out a bit whilst the car idled, thus also indicating possible positive crank/cam case pressure :(

Thus, my suspicions are now either HGF or piston ring failure; hopefully the former (as it's not an engine out job). I think I have a compression tester somewhere in the garage, but couldn't face digging it out and using it. *sob*

Maybe if I am really lucky it might just be a few head stud nuts have comes lose. One strange thing (which might be a clue to some boffin on here), is that there is no smoke at all for the first 2 or 3 minutes whilst the engine is cold, i.e. the smoke only starts once it warms up a bit. Also, I think the problem has been progressively getting worse over time (maybe the last 500 miles), rather than being a sudden issue.

Sorry about hearing these above...
About oil restrictor, I took apart the turbo on my car and I realised that once you take out the original restrictor of the turbo (which is about 2-3mm in diameter), in the bottom of this restrictor the oil feeds the bearing through a 1mm hole, so the turbo has oil restrictor fitted from factory...so installing additional 1mm restrictor is not ok...
Try unplugging the hose between crankcase and cylinder head cover and start engine...check if the smoke il still there...

I can say that I have seen things through your eyes now as I encountered same problems, I closed the engine after head rebuild and it smokes like crazy...I know how frustrating it is to invest time and money into a project and to suffer a certain failure soon after you think everything is done...hope the repair process will be easy in matter of costs and time...

If I can help with anything, Nev, let me know...I have a spare cylinder head if you need it...

Good luck, mate.

#1549 Nev


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Posted 04 February 2013 - 12:50 PM

Thanks for the guideance chaps. I couldn't face starting anything over the weekend. Steve: If it is a blown gasket, a Cometic 1.3mm gasket sounds like a welcome change as this one will have only survived approx 5000 miles. Chris: I have a compressor in my garage, so I might buy a leak down kit. Simon: Thx, the thought of 12+ hours of work in my freezing garage alone wasn't all that appealing this weekend though ! Alex: Thanks for the offer.

#1550 Duncan VXR

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Posted 04 February 2013 - 01:26 PM

Sorry to hear of the issues Nev, Sure whatever it is you will get it sorted - be it a seal or engine out and apart and back together stronger ;) chance to rework and bits your not happy with :) DG

#1551 Ormes


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Posted 04 February 2013 - 07:01 PM

Sorry to hear of your problems. Hope it's sorted soon. Shout if you need a 2nd pair of hands.

#1552 vocky



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Posted 04 February 2013 - 08:10 PM

Sorry to hear of the issues Nev,

Sure whatever it is you will get it sorted - be it a seal or engine out and apart and back together stronger ;) chance to rework and bits your not happy with :)



never nice to have problems after putting in so much time and effort :(

#1553 Nev


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Posted 06 February 2013 - 02:42 PM

Sorry to hear of your problems. Hope it's sorted soon. Shout if you need a 2nd pair of hands.

This could be your 'lucky chance' to see how an engine is stripped down *gulp*

#1554 Ormes


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 07:07 AM

Sorry to hear of your problems. Hope it's sorted soon. Shout if you need a 2nd pair of hands.

This could be your 'lucky chance' to see how an engine is stripped down *gulp*

Just let me know Nev and I'll pop over. As I say, happy to help where I can and watch/discuss where I can't...

Sorry again to hear of this. :(

#1555 Nev


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 02:35 PM

Many thanks for the kind offer Alex. Once my shoulder is better and I summon up some willpower I might give you a call.

#1556 siztenboots



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Posted 07 February 2013 - 02:55 PM

I'm hoping its just a silly 5p valve seal , or a blocked breather.

#1557 Nev


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Posted 07 February 2013 - 07:54 PM

Me too, anything but knackered piston crowns/ringlands/ring and I will be happy !

#1558 completechip



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Posted 07 February 2013 - 08:27 PM

I can say I fully understand what you are going through and I am sorry once again: yesterday I started the engine after fitting it back, turbo died suddenly at idle. I inspected it carefully today and realised the guys who refurbished the compressor blades broke my turbo when fitting components back because they had no clue what they were doing. So now, after 2.5months of effort and money put into my project, I need a new turbo. :huh:

#1559 siztenboots



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Posted 08 February 2013 - 08:15 AM

completechip, Nev can get good prices on the Garrett stuff. Nev, give me a shout when you think you have a day in mind to start.

#1560 MrSimba


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Posted 08 February 2013 - 09:09 AM

I can say I fully understand what you are going through and I am sorry once again: yesterday I started the engine after fitting it back, turbo died suddenly at idle. I inspected it carefully today and realised the guys who refurbished the compressor blades broke my turbo when fitting components back because they had no clue what they were doing. So now, after 2.5months of effort and money put into my project, I need a new turbo. :huh:


Thats real bad news :(

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