Great news, thanks for sorting John.
You may wish to retract that.
Ever wish you'd never started something?
I met up with my friend (in a little chef carpark). He'd brought 32 sets of plates. Since the logos 'could have messed up' on some, so I was to return 8 sets, and take 26 good ones. This stainless sheet comes with a protective plastic layer. The logo has been blasted through it. On the samples, the plastic was removed first. They'd left it on to protect the plates from scratches. They looked fine, but I peeled one just to be sure. I almost wish I hadn't.
It seems that blasting makes heat, which melts the plastic covering, so right round the edges of the logo where it was protected by the template it has melted and protected the metal from the blast. The effect is that in a lot of places the blast hasn't 'coloured upto the lines'.
In addition to this, I'd say the heat in the template has warped it at some stage through the batch, so in some cases the blast has gone under the template and has 'coloured beyond the lines'. Why the blaster didn't AT LEAST stop at the point the template was clearly bent I have no idea! Its making me angry just thinking about it.
Its particularly annoying, because my friend's company (the cutters) have done a great job. The plates all looked very neat and well finished. In any case there's probably 5-6 passenger side plates that are good, and only 1 driver side (quite good). I have rescued this pair. The rest I have sent back.
I'd say around half of the plates need reblasting with a new (thicker) template to 'colour' the area right to the edge of the logo, and the plastic removed first. I discussed this with Karl. - The plates could be then wrapped in newspaper to protect them. Half at least will need to be made again from scratch. He thinks his boss (Shawn) will be fine about redoing them - if a little 'frustrated' - especially at the blasters. On another note, last week I was at Phoenix Motorsport (well known local lotus specialists) and the chap there knows Shawn. In fact the plates as a product have been done FOR Phoenix. Its just that we have got in first. (Possibly too early for my liking)!
To sum up - I have no intention whatsoever of sending anything out I wouldn't fit to my own car, and I'm confident this will be sorted out promptly by Shawn. - After all the logos on the samples were perfect! I'm going to talk to Karl when he's broken the news to Shawn tomorrow to confirm. If necessary I'd chip in for material costs, or if absolutely necessary go further than that, as I'm determined not to let anybody down.
Since Gherkin is trying to sell his car, and I have 1 pretty good set, I'm about to send him photos - so that I can mail them tomorrow if he is happy with them.
In the meantime, thanks for your continued patience everyone. If anybody wants to discuss this with me my number is 07742 two-five-nine-eight-five-five.