No pics, just words... someone else can clean up even 5 mins and take pics

I just wanted to get the job done.
Parts needed
GM inner CV boot kit (contains boot, clips/springs and grease)
The CV boot straps that have holes in rather than the smooth ones included in the kit.
Tools needed
What ever you use to take the undertray off with.
Ball joint seperator (either fork/hammering type or the posh one with the bolt to lever open)
'external' circlip pliers
smallish flat blade screwdriver
rag/paper towel, LOTS AND LOTS of it!!!!!
10mm socket/spanner
17mm socket/spanner for brake caliper
19mm Open/Ring spanner (sorry ratchet wont fit

15mm (I think) open ended spanner for the outer toe link joint
12mm socket(I think, could have been 13mm) for toe link nut
19mm (possibly) socket for toe link nut
5mm allen key
6mm allen key
Sharp knifepliers
Side cutters, and or nail pincers (wood working stylee)
Hammer! (always needed

I shall forego the jacking/ taking wheel off, but add, this time I wussed out and put axel stands under the pax side as there was a lot of hammering/pulling going on prior to realising exactly how to do it.
Remove the 'middle' undertray, although we did it with the full tray out.
Car in gear! Handbrake off!
With the wheel off
Take the handbrake cable out of the caliper, undo the nut on the P clip that holds the cable on the wishbone. Undo the bolt holding the brake fluid pipe on the other side of the wishbone.
Undo the 17mm bolt holding the top of the caliper in place.
drift the pin holding the pads in, out.
remove the front pad and rotate the caliper to remove the rear pad, undo the lower bolt with the 6mm allen key, place the caliper on the floor or anywhere with NO strain on the hose.
undo the 5mm locating screw on the disc.
take disc off (might need a hammering if its been on a long time)
Take the damper out, two bolts, 15mm nut and 17mm bolt..
undo the upper and lower ball join nuts, split the upper and lower joints but leave on the studs to hold while you remove the toe link from the knuckle (you will probably need to slip a spanner in under the knuckle to stop it spinning while undoing).
Now for the messy bit
slice the inner CV boot away from the shaft, remove as much (all) of the boot as possible start removing the old grease to make life easier (this stuff sticks like cat shoite so be careful).
With the wishbones lifted up the insides of the joint should plunge towards the gearbox, jack or helper to hold the assembly up while you gently prize out a clip from a groove about 5mm from the outer edge of the "cup" of the CV joint.
With that removed, lower the wishbones/take the hub off the balljoint studs and slide it all out, catch and ball bearings that fall.
You will now have a messy end of a shaft with a 'cage' 6 large ball bearings and an inner 6 toothed 'gear' (for want of a better term).
Clean up the balls and place to one side
The cage will drop down the shaft so expect that

There is a circlip on the end of the shaft, remove this.
Remove the 'gear' from the shaft. Clean everything up, remove the cage too.
Clean the old grease from the cup thats left in the gearbox.
Slide the CV joint clip onto the shaft, slide the CV boot (with a LITTLE) grease in it down the shaft (small end first).
Slide the cage onto the shaft (I did a few checks and it looks like its NOT directional), refit the 'gear' to the shaft (note that there is a 3-5mm Smooth section inside the gears splines, this goes to the bottom of the shaft).
Fit the NEW circlip to the shaft to hold the 'gear' in place.
Grease time.
Apply grease to all faces of the 'gear', slip the cage up and get it lined up so that you can fit the bearings, 'glue' the bearings into the holes in the cage/'gear'. Apply grease to the 6 grooves in the cup (on the car), apply grease all over the cage/bearings (careful not to let any fall out).
Place the larger CV boot clip over the cup.
Gently slip the freshly greased innards into the cup, get a helper (or jack) to hold the knuckle/hub side while you fit a NEW clip into the groove in the cup to retain the joint.
Place the knuckle onto the ball joint studs again.
Do the CV clips up firm/tightly.
Slotted strap method.
Get as much tension on the strap as possible, even use the old large spring clip to wiggle through the 'teeth' into the next set of holes and lever along. use side cutters or preferably nail pincers crimp up the small part of the strap thats raised. (even better use the right tool

Do this to the little and large ones.
Refit the wishbone nuts + spacer washer for lower one.
Refit the toe linke joint + relevant spacers etc.
Refit brake disc
Refit caliper + pads
Refit handbrake cable
Refit the P clips
Refit Wheel
Refit undertray

Any glaring mistakes etc then shout.