The Vx Exit Interview
Posted 27 October 2008 - 01:43 PM
#82 Guest_AntB (Guest)
Posted 27 October 2008 - 01:46 PM
Anytime you need a quick reminder, the keys of mine are yours. .
fear not James, as soon as you've finished with the 'tinkering' you have planned for this winter i'll be snatching them out of your hand!
Posted 27 October 2008 - 02:05 PM
A sad day indeed Ant,
Anytime you need a quick reminder, the keys of mine are yours. .
Anytime you need a quick reminder of why you hate screaming VTECs, the keys of mine are yours
Posted 18 November 2008 - 06:44 AM
Posted 04 February 2009 - 03:12 PM
On an very cold and damp night, on a motorway not far from me, I unleashed 270 torques in 3rd gear in a straight line, and sadly that led to the wheels spinning, fishtailing, and a spin into the central reservation, causing terminal chassis damage.
After 3.5 years, and over 35k miles of year-round driving, it was the first and final spin that I've had in a VX. However this was the first winter with the VXR - my first 3 years were with a 2.2.
So here I am VX-less. I never thought the day would come as I seriously planned on keeping the VXR forever. In that vein, I'd spent about £3k on the car in the past 5 months getting it perfect - with the arguement that all that money would be a worthwhile investment for the amount of time that I'd be keeping the car.
I had to get a car to get me back on the road as soon as possible. I needed a reliable, fun and open-top car, that would keep a smile on my face despite the loss of VXR#21. I'm concerned about how much my insurance will go up after wrtiing off an £18k car, so another concern was insurance rating. The natural choice is an MX-5. I've owned these before so knew what I was looking for, and I picked a good 03 model for £6k. 4 days into ownership, my aftermarket exhaust has already arrived, ready to inject some pops & burbles back into my life. :-)
I'm unsure if I'll get another VX - it depends on how much the insurance costs would screw me. If I did get another VX, if it's a Turbo there is no doubt the first mod would be Traction Control. I can't afford to write off another car, and the simple fact is that if I'd had TC on the VXR, I wouldn't be writing this exit interview.
Having driven the MX-5 for a few days, there are certainly things that I don't miss from the VX:
- The useless heater
- The drafty interior
- The noise on motorway runs
- The fact that the sound system will sound rubbish despite decent speakers & head unit.
- The gearshift/gearleaver is just crap compared to the likes of an S2000 or MX-5.
- It would have been nice to have an LSD.
But there are some things that I sorely miss from the VXR - mainly:
- Savage accelleration
- Steering weight
- Steering feedback
- Awesome driving position
- The looks of the car
- Considering the phenomenal perormance, fuel costs were good.
- Overall sense of occasion every time you drive it.
I had Nitrons on the VXR, and they were a bit of a love/hate thing. I never go on track and used the car daily, so IMO they were far too hard. I had mine on the softest setting possible, and this was still harder than standard NA suspension. If I'd have had the car a few more months I would have looked at changing the spring rates for something more road-orientated. But coming from an NA, I still would rather the Nitrons than standard Tubby suspension!!
Talking about the NA, the one thing that was a bit of a bugbear for me was the skinny front tyres. Now I know a lot of people (LazyDonkey!) will say that it's perfectly fine to have skinny tyres, but in my opinion, they are a problem that you have to address as a driver to drive around the understeery nature of a car with skinny front tyres. The issue can be addressed by an aggressive Geo, however this will lead to tyres that quickly go bald on one side if you use your car as a daily driver. If you have a "regular" fast road geo, the fact is you have to drive "against" the skinny tyres. For me, that meant I would always have to lift-off when going around a tight corner (roundabout) to get some grip on the front. So you did have to alter your driving style to accomodate the understeery nature of having skinny tyres.
Conversely, the 195 profile of the VXR or aftermarket wheels lead to a far more neutral car in the corners, and there was no need to lift off to get grip at the front when cornering.
So there you are. Maybe I'll be back in a VX sometime in the future. I sure as hell miss the VXR.
Posted 04 February 2009 - 03:33 PM
hopefully we see you on the next london run...
you can park the car and take a pack ride
Posted 04 February 2009 - 03:34 PM
Posted 04 February 2009 - 03:43 PM
Cheers Fab.
this is why i choose the n/a over the tubby
had a tubby three days and didnt like it ...i feel so confident with the n/a the way of the power delivery now i feel safer in my vx
165 bhp is enought for me in this car at the moment and i still follow most of you
Posted 08 February 2009 - 05:26 PM
Posted 04 March 2009 - 06:25 PM
Posted 04 March 2009 - 10:42 PM
Well the time has come for me to leave the world of VX ownership after 8000 miles and 15 Months. The Deposit was paid last week, and a newbie (Mangham54) picks her up on sat morning. Its without a doubt the best car ive ever owned. Will miss the stunning looks (turns heads everywhere it goes), and go-kart like handling, but its time to move on!
The car has been good to me, only broke down once, due to a faulty injector. Would have been nice to have it over a nice hot summer, but it spent the majority of the summer at luton getting new bodywork. Only major gripe i have had with it is Vauxhall, the dealers, and the customer service.
Living with the car day-to-day was no problem, although getting in and out a 'normal' car will be alot easier for me and the missus, and im looking forward to having a good heater and some luxuaries again!
I dont think i will get another, but would never say never.
I have been looking for a suitable replacement for the past couple of months, and the 2 options that keep coming up are the Audi S4 Cabro (mmmm nice big V8!!) or an E46 M3 Cabro. I hav'nt found one that ticks all the box's yet(im being very picky), but the hunt continues, in the mean time, ive pinched missus puma!
A big thanks to everyone on here for any advice and tips and general help ive had, and wish everyone the best , i hope chris enjoys the car as much as i have.
All the best mate....
PS - Had a S4 - cracking car, good choice...
Posted 04 March 2009 - 10:46 PM
Posted 05 March 2009 - 11:57 AM
09/01/09 - Deathday of VXR#21
Only just seen this
Posted 06 March 2009 - 09:48 AM
Posted 06 March 2009 - 10:50 AM
always to read this topics and hoping i will never post my depart
mine is coming to 7 years next month and will find it hard to let it go but eh as you say paul sometimes in life you have to choose what's the best for you and we all understand that..maybe one day you might regret it........
so long paul and enjoy what ever you purchase in the end its only a car but we get attach to them
Posted 19 March 2009 - 04:35 PM
Well the time has come for my exit interview. 4 and a half years of VX220 ownership - 2 years with the NA then 2 and a bit years with the VXT. Times changed for me, I moved to Northern Ireland to be with the love of my life (who is great, she's a tip top lady who will always be with me) but unfortunatley I lost my job. Needs must and so the VXT got sold this morning. Not all bad news because I got a 5 series BMW out of it all.
If I had to sum up my ownership for new members or people looking to buy a VX220 what ever the model it would be: "I would buy another one tomorrow If I had the money".
Excellent little cars that offer so much fun for the money. Below are the final pictures of her....
Posted 19 March 2009 - 04:45 PM
Posted 19 March 2009 - 06:28 PM
Posted 08 May 2009 - 07:24 PM
Posted 12 May 2009 - 03:18 PM
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