Looks bloody great
I have a tillet karting seat and it is really very well made.
The Tillet seat is 100% better than th JK one I had! Really solid with NO flex! Not as pretty though.
love your omp wheel setup 
Sweet aint it!!! Feels much nicer!
The Tillet B5 seat is the perfect solution for our larger gentlemen as it gives you SUCH a low seating position you have a ton of headroom. Even with the cage.
Still the nicest seat I've tried but still can't convince myself that I'd still think so, at the end of the drive to Le Mans. 
Looking good. What sort of stickerage have you got to put on there for Time Attack?
Loads of series sponsors that I have to accomodate, and a fair few home grown sponsors too. You wont see the paint

EJM got in first, but I will probably have to take them off and put the Time Attack ones on first.
As for the seat. I'm not worried about comfort on the way to Le Mans this year! I've got climate control, 6 speaker amplified stereo, and a Brian James Trailer

The Tillet is comfy though!! Also as it's got PROPER fixed subframes I've been able to position my lap straps across my lap unlike in a VX where we use the seatbelf positions which are too close to your ass. Absolutely NO chance of submarining.
Love the seat and the rear diffuser with the spacers on.
Do you think Fab could see over the bottom of the wheel?
I'm about the same height as Fab so can't laugh too much.
Looking good Jim all ready for racing 
All set (nearly). Got a few jobs to do ahead of racing (come to Wales

). You coming along to any stages as a mechanic...? Jump in Joe's love wagon and come along
It needs the insides of the lights doing black in my opinion as the sliver dont look right, but other then that its stunning.
Maybe it'd look better but it'd take too long! Got loads to do!