I have raced for too long and seen too many nasty things to want to compete without a cage and I have more plans than just Time Attack this season.
Track Days are all overtaking on the left and on straights only stuff so low risk. TA is all about balls out and whilst the risk is lower than outright racing it is more dangerous than track days and there could always be a faster car lapping that you haven't seen that dives in under brakes, into a corner at the same time you decide. Would be messy.
Your life, you decide. I have.
Dude this had better not be gamesmanship as we're a team remember.
Too old to play mind games and not interested in winding my team mate up, not my style. I leave that to others.
Good good. To address the cage though, we ran a whole TA season (other than the opener) without a cage and you never made these concerns vocal. Nobody did.
I know the spec you're building to so I don't doubt a cage is a MUST for you but it isn't for Joe. Rather than create doubt in the poor boys head why can't we just accept it and move on. I have

What cage you got Mike?