Well as the painter didn't have time in the end to spray it... I fell out of love and the house took over. However recently jjj took the car to his and we started work on it today!
Here are some photos:

The red bit in the back will be going black?

Jobs left to do are:
Spray and fit new doors, clams and sills
Fit interior
Fit cf hardtop to jb inner skin
Cut up Oem bootlid to add to exige cf bootlid
Fit braided fuel lines
Fit water injection kit
Front splitter
A few other little jobs to do aswell but defiantly made progress today so thanks a lot to jjj for taking my car and helping me do it today!
I reckon there is another day to get the majority of it done apart from the rear clam and sills but I will be seriously happy if we can get to the point where we are only waiting on doing those two parts!!