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Exhaust Modification

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#1 JamesWalker



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Posted 07 January 2011 - 01:40 PM

Afternoon all, I have a second standard exhaust to which I will be performing the "pipo" mod this weekend. I was thinking that instead of cutting a section out of the top, to just slice around the entire exhaust, ending up with 2 semi circular cylinders. This way I could butt weld it back together giving a better weld than if there is a 1mm gap. Before I do this though, I was wondering if the internals are in any way attached to the outer casing? I have seen an image of the hollowed out outer exhaust enclosure (perhaps it was a miltek one?) and it didn't look like it was attached at all, but just thought I would ask first. Or perhaps I am overlooking something that someone will be able to point out to me? Thanks,

#2 oakmere


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Posted 07 January 2011 - 02:32 PM

From memory the internals are welded into the box so not straight forward this way. I have modified an N/A and a turbo box. Use a 1mm cutting wheel, not a dremel it takes too long. Both times it cost £10.00 at a local fabricator to get welded back up. The only person I know who cut the complete end off was Vocky but he replaced all the internal pipework on an N/A milltek. Cheers Oakmere

#3 JamesWalker



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Posted 07 January 2011 - 04:31 PM

I suspected as much. So in the image below:

Posted Image

How was this large section removed if the vertical "struts" are welded to it? I don't mind too much doing it this method and will happily weld it back together myself, its just easier not to thats all.


#4 dominik



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Posted 08 January 2011 - 04:41 PM

The sections are only welded at a few points, you will see them wehn you look closer to your back box. Attached File  P2190001_klein.JPG   174.57KB   22 downloads Other option for NA. But I do not know if the tubbys are getting to loud. I´ve cuted away a piece of the exhaust. On the NA it was not as loud as the aftre market back boxes. Attached File  P2190002_klein.JPG   158.68KB   20 downloads

#5 JamesWalker



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Posted 08 January 2011 - 05:47 PM

The sections are only welded at a few points, you will see them wehn you look closer to your back box.
Attached File  P2190001_klein.JPG   174.57KB   22 downloads

Other option for NA. But I do not know if the tubbys are getting to loud.
I´ve cuted away a piece of the exhaust. On the NA it was not as loud as the aftre market back boxes.

Attached File  P2190002_klein.JPG   158.68KB   20 downloads

So did you reassemble the backbox without any resonance chambers or baffles at all? Surely than it would be wayyyyyyy too loud?!

#6 VX220BOB


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Posted 18 August 2013 - 04:53 PM

I am aware this is an old thread, and a newish vx owner, I have looked all over the forum regarding the pipo exhaust mod and I am slightly lost of what is the full mod and does it give a little more sound then the standard exhaust fitted to the NA engine.


With regard to the photos of the exhaust on this thread;

1/ do you cut open the box then remove the internals completely then re weld back together ?

2/ do cut open the box then modify the internals ? and what do you alter ?


If any photos of a altered or modified box before its welded back together would help.


Does this mod make any difference to the catt sensors causing the EML to come on ?

#7 fezzasus


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Posted 18 August 2013 - 08:20 PM

There is a Larini backbox on ebay without a u bend at the moment - contact elise shop and ask how much for a u bend and offer the seller £250, much less hassle. But to answer your question, no, it won't make the EML come on as the backbox is after the lambda sensors.

#8 Mike-F


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Posted 18 August 2013 - 08:23 PM

This is the link you need:-




#9 VX220BOB


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Posted 18 August 2013 - 09:52 PM

There is a Larini backbox on ebay without a u bend at the moment - contact elise shop and ask how much for a u bend and offer the seller £250, much less hassle. But to answer your question, no, it won't make the EML come on as the backbox is after the lambda sensors.

Thanks for your reply.


Its no problem for me to cut and modify the exhaust as I have all the cutting and welding gear.


But will the sports exhaust sound much better then the std NA exhaust ?

Edited by VX220BOB, 18 August 2013 - 09:53 PM.

#10 fezzasus


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 08:54 AM

Yes, much better, it's also all stainless so won't rot. If you can easily fabricate a new U bend I would strongly recommend you go down that route, or the pipo mod that's been linked above. Keep in mind the listed Larini on ebay is much lighter too.

#11 Mike-F


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 06:28 PM

Standard exhaust is 304 stainless.

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